Online Resources and Tips

Apps and Resources at the Academic Success Center, Clemson University, Clemson SC

Succeeding in Your Online Courses

Review the Strategies for Thriving in Online Courses handout for tips for successful online learning.

Clemson students have shared that online classes are challenging because they miss the in-person interaction with their professor and classmates in the classroom and they struggle with the decreased structure and increased flexibility that online courses usually bring. With some time, intention and effort, real learning and authentic connections can happen for you in online courses.

Types of Online Courses

  • Synchronous: Students log on for class at a scheduled time to interact directly with the professor or other classmates.
  • Asynchronous: Students access course materials at their own convenience and interact with the professor or other classmates through discussion boards, email, and other flexible communication tools. There is no standard class meeting time.
  • Hybrid: Students participate in a combination of traditional in-person class sessions and online sessions.

Successful Online Learners

  • Create meaningful ways to interact with their professors and classmates so that they can collaborate and experience a sense of connection with other students.
  • Learn how to effectively utilize technology so that they can fully participate in class activities and complete class assignments.
  • Engage in productive learning and study strategies so that they can master course concepts.
  • Adopt practical personal success practices so they can be motivated, organized and prepared.

Helpful Tips

  • Attend PAL and Tutoring sessions to regularly interact with other students in the same course.
  • Contact the CCIT Help desk if you need an internet hotspot.

Study and Test Prep Strategies

  • Jumpstart your semester by writing down important syllabus information including, exam dates, office hours, and assignment deadlines for each course.
  • Engage in effective test preparation by distributing your study time over the course of several days and practicing self-testing.
  • Elaboration: Explain and describe course concepts with many details as you can
  • Dual Coding: Use words and visuals to describe course concepts. Write concepts out in words and pictures.
  • Concrete Examples: Use specific examples to describe abstract concepts.
  • Interleaving: Switch between ideas while studying. Instead of studying chapter 1-3 concepts in order, try studying chapter 3, then 2 and then 1.
  • Retrieval Practice: Practice bringing course concepts to mind. Create mini self-quizzes for yourself and try to remember the answers without looking at your notes or textbook.
  • Spaced Practice: Space out your studying over time. Instead of studying in a two-hour block, try four 30-minutes sessions.
  • Working Problems: Work multiple practice problems over time. Use the practice problems your instructor provides or suggests.
  • Engage in effective test preparation by distributing your study time over the course of several days and practicing self-testing.

Goal Setting Strategies

  • Set goals and motivate yourself by visualizing your goals and assessing your progress.
  • Break down your goals into smaller tasks and manage your time by organizing your thoughts into a checklist.
  • Consider possible challenges or setbacks that might pop up and plan a strategy to overcome or adapt to successfully accomplish your goal.

Other Success Strategies

  • Create an intentional routine for yourself and stick to it as closely as possible.
  • Be forgiving and empathetic with yourself - it's OK to feel like this is a tough time-give your studies the best you can.
  • Practice positive self-talk to calm test anxiety and decrease distractions.
  • Create your own mantra to encourage productivity and confidence during typically stressful times like exams and presentations.
  • Reduce distractions as much as possible, make getting sleep and good nutrition a priority.
  • Incorporate movement in your day to relieve stress.