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Shuangshuang Jin

Shuangshuang JinAssociate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
School of Computing

Ph.D., 2007 - Washington State University
Computer Science
M.S., 2003 - Washington State University
Computer Science
B.S., 2001 - Wuhan University
Computer Science

Contact Information
Office: ZGEC-311
Office Phone: 843.730.5119

Research Group Website

Computer science is a discipline that spans theory and application, which has a strong connection with all other disciplines. Furthermore, when large-scale domain problems with high-throughput real-time dataset are concerned, HPC-based parallel computation is extremely helpful in providing a fast and efficient technical solution.​

Dr. Jin's research goal is thus building a bridge between the fields of computer science and other disciplines, and applying effective and efficient HPC-based solutions.​

Current research is primarily focused on developing optimized HPC-based parallel programming algorithms and architectures to solve complex scientific and engineering domain problems such as smart grid modeling and simulation, power electronics reliability assessment, ground vehicle systems prototyping, and advanced grid analytics, etc. For example, we can speed up large-scale power system simulations to take advantage of the superb computing capabilities of HPC resources, thus enabling real time or faster-than-real-time computation with the implementation of Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), Message Passing Interface (MPI), Pthreads, and CUDA/OpenCL on shared-memory supercomputers, distributed-memory clusters, inter-connected workstations, or graphical processing units (GPU).