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Chandra Wickramasinghe and Donald Clayton in Cardiff in June 1975, in the garden of Clayton's home on Heath Park Crescent, which he rented for summers 1975 and 1976 as visiting faculty at University College, Cardiff, Department of Applied Maths and Astronomy. N. Chandra Wickramasinghe was Chair of that department, and invited Clayton to his two summers there. They are here seen on a warm summer afternoon at work on their original treatment of dust growth in nova explosions (Ap Space Sci 42, 463 (1976)). Wickramasinghe had (with Hoyle) pioneered supernovae as source of interstellar dust (Nature 226, 62 (1970)); and Clayton had pioneered its observable isotopic consequences (Nature 257, 36 (1975)). These were seminal works for the impending astronomy of presolar grains. Nova presolar grains have not been unambiguously identified in meteorites to date, but they are evident spectroscopically from novae.

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