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Michael J. Newman, Donald Clayton, and W. Michael Howard staying at Buck Meadows Lodge in Yosemite on Oct. 31, 1981 . Both Mikes did Ph. D. thesis research with Clayton at Rice University . Newman worked on s process studies and on solutions to the solar-neutrino problem (see Newman below in 1991). Of special interest was their published model of the sun having a central black hole and demonstrating that it could solve the solar neutrino problem as it was known at that time. Newman then joined Fowler at Caltech, where he worked with George Fuller on their famous studies with Fowler of electron capture rates within supernovae. Fuller's thesis (with Fowler) led to a series of papers on weak decays in supernovae coauthored with Fowler and with Newman (Fuller, Fowler and Newman ApJ 1980, 1982a,b, 1985).

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