Senate Information

Senate Leadership and Membership

The Faculty Senate leaders are Dave Blakesley (President), Lauren Duffy (Vice President/President-Elect), and Neil Calkin (Secretary).

Senate terms begins with the April meeting. The Senate consists of 50 members — 35 full-time, tenure-track faculty and 14 non-voting, lecturer delegates. These elected representatives are expected to fulfill certain responsibilities.


Senate Committees

Each Senator and lecturer delegate serves on one of the Senate’s standing committees. The Senate’s officers – the President, Vice-President, and Secretary – along with lead senators, a second representative from each college, and committee chairs compose the Executive and Advisory Committees. These committees meet jointly once a month and act as a steering committee for the senate.

Communicating with the Senate and All Faculty

There are several ways to formally communicate with the Senate, and, through the Senate, communicate with all faculty.

  • Attending monthly senate meetings
  • Requesting to give a Special Order presentation to the Faculty Senate. Click Here
  • Participating in Free Speech period during a Faculty Senate meeting
  • Submitting an Open Forum essay

Faculty Representation on University Committees

A significant responsibility of the Faculty Senate is selecting or nominating faculty representatives to university committees. 

Senate Governing Documents

The actions of the Faculty Senate are governed by three documents: