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Collaboratory Affiliates & Connections to Other Programs

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The STEM Faculty Development Collaboratory (SFDC) invites researchers, faculty developers, and others involved in faculty development for those involved in the STEM disciplines to join as affiliates of the SFDC. Benefits of joining the Collaboratory include networking with others focused on the holistic development needs of STEM faculty, access to webinars on the latest research as well as an outlet to share your research, support for development of on-line short courses focused on various aspects of faculty development, and news of research, conferences and other faculty development events. Contact to join our affiliates.


Faculty from Engineering & Science Education, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, and Civil Engineering in the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences; Teaching & Learning and Education & Human Development in the College of Education are active members of the SFDC. Additionally, we have a number of national and international affiliates.

Connections to Other Centers & Programs

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