Associate Professor
Department of Engineering & Science Education
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Offices: 263 Sirrine Hall
Phone: (864) 656-4317
Ph.D., Clemson University, 2010, Mechanical Engineering
Cert., Clemson University, 2010, Engineering and Science Education
M.S., Clemson University, 2010, Mechanical Engineering
B.S., Clemson University, 2005, Mechanical Engineering
I am interested in understanding and enhancing the ways that students make decisions about their major and daily study habits from the perspective of self-regulated decision-making theory, as well as using institutional data to study student curricular progress and pathways. I am particularly interested in the way that these pathways vary by race, gender, socioeconomic status, and engineering discipline.
Orr, M. K., Ramirez, N. M., Lord, S. M., Layton, R. A., & Ohland, M. W. (2015). Student Choice and Persistence in Aerospace Engineering. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 12(4), 365-373.
Orr, M. K., Lord, S. M., Layton, R. A., & Ohland, M. W. (2014). Student demographics and outcomes in mechanical engineering in the US. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 42(1), 48-60.
Miller, M. K., Martin, J. P., and Orr, M. K. (2014). Toward Determining Changes in Engineering-Related Social Capital: Resource Composition as Students Make Decisions About College. Journal of Education and Training, 1(2), 72-91.
Lundy-Wagner, V. C., Veenstra, C. P., Orr, M. K., Ramirez, N. M., Ohland, M. W., & Long, R. A. (2014). Gaining Access or Losing Ground?: Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students in Undergraduate Engineering, 1994–2003. The Journal of Higher Education, 85(3), 339-369.
Ohland, M. W., Orr, M. K., Lundy-Wagner, V., Veenstra, C., and Long, R. A. (2012). “Viewing Access and Persistence in Engineering through a Socioeconomic Lens.” Engineering and Social Justice: In the University and Beyond, edited by C. Baillie, A. Pawley and D. Riley.
Strutz, M. L., Orr, M. K., and Ohland, M. W. (2012). “Low-Socioeconomic Status Individuals: An Invisible Minority in Engineering.” Engineering and Social Justice: In the University and Beyond, edited by C. Baillie, A. Pawley and D. Riley.
Benson, L. C., Orr, M. K., Biggers, S. B., Moss, W. F., Ohland, M. W., & Schiff, S. D. (2010). Student-centered active, cooperative learning in engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education, 26(5), 1097