Welcome to the Clemson University Institute for Design

  • Image Alt Title at Clemson University, South Carolina
  • Image Alt Title at Clemson University, South Carolina
  • Image Alt Title at Clemson University, South Carolina

Design is the process of planning and conceiving a new product, process, service, experience, document, program or structure. Design concepts are taught across department within every College at Clemson– from Art, Architecture, Computer Science and, broadly, Engineering, to Psychology, Horticulture, Communications and Education. Although the vocabulary and context is different for each department, the basic design process seems to be the same for all of them: (1) the identification of a problem, opportunity or need, (2) the generation of an idea or concept in the form of a prototype or proposal, (3) an evaluation and analysis of outcomes, (4) the refinement of the concept into detailed specifications, and (5) implementation or commercialization.


  • To organize and promote an interdisciplinary, project-based approach to design education that garners national and international attention, advancing our standing as a top-ranked university.
  • To promote design research that shapes innovative and viable artifacts having the potential to cultivate economic competitiveness – locally, nationally and globally.
  • To offer undergraduate and graduate students an in-depth understanding of design theory and tools, design thinking and collaboration skills, and innovation strategies and entrepreneurship that leading companies expect in new hires.
  • To infuse an appreciation, understanding and culture of design in the Clemson student experience in order to prepare students to be citizens and leaders of the emerging, global “design economy.”


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