Open Education Week

Open Education Week is a celebration of the global Open Education Movement, an effort to promote free and equal access to education for people across the world. Its goal is to raise awareness about the movement and its impact on teaching and learning worldwide, and to highlight the value of Open Education to Clemson

Schedule of Events

2019 Events:

Active learning using Open Educational Resources (OER) in Stem Education 

Monday, March 4th, Noon-1, Brown Room, Cooper Library. 

Join Dr. Chrissy Spencer from Georgia Tech to learn about how their introductory biology curriculum morphed from commercial textbooks to open education resources (OER), which are low- or no-cost online resources that support their interactive classroom approach to teaching biology to majors and non-majors in a flipped classroom. The session will highlight their no-cost OER and low-cost online homework system, present evidence to support the efficacy of the OER and flipped classroom approach in Georgia Tech's large-lecture biology courses and provide interactive ideas about how to build a student-centered classroom.

Chrissy Spencer is a Senior Academic Professional in the School of Biological Sciences at Georgia Tech, where she teaches, advises undergraduates, coordinates teaching assistants, and conducts research on biology education centered around open education resources. She is an author on all three open education textbooks produced for the introductory biology curriculum at Georgia Tech and is the course coordinator for the non-science majors course, the Biology of Sex and Death.


Copyright for Scholarly Publication and Teaching

Tuesday, March 5th, Noon-1, Brown Room, Cooper Library. 

Are you preparing to submit a manuscript to a publisher? Do you have questions about copyright, permissions, or what’s covered under fair use? In this workshop, Dr. John Morgenstern (Director of Clemson University Press) will guide you through the basics of copyright from the perspective of academic publishers. The workshop will also answer questions specific to your research publications and teaching.


Introduction to WeBWork

Thursday, March 7th, Noon-1, Brown Room, Cooper Library.

Did you know that there is an open source homework system for classes that involve equations in mathematics, science, engineering and business? Dr. Matthew Macauley from Clemson’s School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences will explain the benefits of WeBWork for both students and educators.


From Wikipedia to Full On OER

Friday, March 8th, 11:30-12:30, Room 309, Cooper Library.

Want to know how Wikipedia can be used as a tool for student assignments, creative publishing projects and a way to teach them about how online information is created and used for deception? Dr. Mills Kelly, a Digital Historian from George Mason University will discuss how Wikipedia and other free web resources can be used in humanities education.

Mills Kelly is a Professor of History at George Mason University and the President of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. His most recent book, Teaching History in the Digital Age, is available free online from the University of Michigan Press.


Finding and Citing Open Multimedia

Monday, March 11th, Noon-1, Brown Room, Cooper Library.

Would you like to create a media-rich course? Aren’t sure how you can? April Pelt, Digital Learning Strategist from Clemson Online and Jan Comfort, Engineering reference Librarian at Clemson Libraries will demonstrate how to locate open images, videos, and other multimedia and incorporate them into your Canvas course. They will also teach you how to create assignments for students that incorporate using copyright and proper attribution of multi-media sources.


Using Open “Texts”

Tuesday, March 12th, Noon-1, Brown Room, Cooper Library.

Tired of the limitations of traditional textbooks and their rising costs? Discover possibilities offered by OER textbooks, class activities, assignments and other courseware, as well as open courses. Yang Wu, Open Resources Librarian at Clemson Libraries will show you the growing variety of high quality OER textual materials for your higher education and k-12 teaching needs and discuss considerations for using them.


Starting a Large Scale Open Educational Resource Effort

Wednesday, March 13th, Noon-1, Brown Room, Cooper Library.

Mr. Jeff Gallant, Program Manager for Affordable Learning Georgia, one of the most successful initiatives to promote low cost, affordable learning in the US will share his insights on what universities can do to increase student success through the adoption, adaption and creation of OER, quality learning materials that are available to students cost free.