Blackboard to Canvas Migration

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Exporting Content from Blackboard

  1. Navigate to the Blackboard course that you wish to export.
  2. Under the Course Management menu on the bottom left-hand side of your screen, expand the Packages and Utilities menu.
  3. Click Export/Archive Course.
  4. Click Export Package.
  5. Select the content you'd like to export to Canvas.
  6. Click Submit at the bottom of the page.
  7. Blackboard will create your Export Package.
    • This may take up to several minutes; you’ll receive an email when it’s done.
    • Or, you can click Refresh and the zip file will appear when ready.
  8. Download your Export Package. Do not unzip the file.

Please note that the following items cannot be migrated from Blackboard to Canvas: Announcements, Rubrics, Customized Course Menus, Wikis, Blogs, Journals, Tasks

Importing Content into Canvas

  1. Email and ask them to create a blank course shell (tell them what you’d like it to be named). You’re preparing a blank place in which to deposit the course you just downloaded from Blackboard, so you should choose a name that correlates to your Blackboard course.
  2. Click on the new blank course once it’s created.
  3. Then, click Settings on the Course Navigation Menu.
  4. Select Import Content into this Course (located on the right-hand side of the page).
  5. Select Blackboard 6/7/8/9 export .zip file from the drop-down menu
  6. Use your computer's navigation to select the appropriate file from your computer (probably in the Downloads menu).
  7. Click All Content (since you already chose what content to export when you created the Blackboard export file), and ignore the checkboxes under Options.
  8. Click Import and let Canvas do the rest!