March 10, 1921 - September 29, 2011 (Obituary)
Alumni Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. Biochemistry, Virginia Tech, 1951
M.S. Sanitary Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1948
B.S. Civil Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1947
Licensed Professional Engineer
Certified by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers
Career Overview | Accomplishments | Honors
Honor Societies: Chi Epsilon (Civil Engineering); Tau Beta Pi (Engineering); Phi Sigma (Biology); Phi Lambda Epsilon (Chemistry); Phi Kappa Phi (General Academic); Sigma Xi (Research).
Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers
Charter Member, Distinguished Alumni of Virginia Tech Civil Engineering Dept.
Charter Member, Thomas Green Clemson Academy of Distinguished Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers Rudolph Hering Medal
Exceptional Service Award, National Wildlife Federation
Founders Award, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
Faculty Excellence Award, Clemson Board of Trustees
Career featured in the Environmental Engineer a publication of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers
Name given to the Clemson L. G. Rich Environmental Research Laboratory
Establishment of the Linvil G. Rich Fellowship Fund established at Clemson by the South Carolina Water Environment Association and the South Carolina Section of the American Water Works Association