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Water Resources

Program Overview:  Water resources engineers are under increased pressure to adapt to a changing climate and a changing regulatory environment. It is therefore essential that they improve their understanding of water resources modeling beyond the level covered in a standard undergraduate engineering curriculum.  The goal of this graduate certificate is to assist working professional water resources engineers in gaining a deeper understanding of modern modeling methods in water resources engineering.

CE 6420 – Hydrologic Analysis and Design (3 cr. hrs.)
Provides an introduction to water resources infrastructure designs using hydrologic information, such as frequency analysis, peak discharge, hydrographic, and design-storm computer methods. Students learn to apply statistical methods and hydrologic models (e.g., HEC-HMS) to quantify hydrologic information for design studies of a wide variety of problems in water resources engineering.

CE 6430 – Water Resources Engineering (3 cr. hrs.)
Extension of the concepts of fluid mechanics to applications in water supply, water resource assessment, water transmission, water distribution networks, pump and pipe selection, pipe networks, and analysis of open channel appurtenances.

CE 6470 – Stormwater Management (3 cr. hrs.)
Evaluation of peak discharges for urban and rural basins, design of highway drainage structures such as inlets and culverts; stormwater and receiving water quality; best management practices, detention and retention ponds, and erosion and sediment control.

CE 8460 – Flow in Open Channels (3 cr. hrs.)
Free surface flow problems; applications of digital computer; concepts of boundary layer theory; uniform and varied flow; hydraulic jump; design criteria for prismatic channels and transitions; applications of unsteady flow.


Choose a Nationally Recognized Leader in Engineering Education

Students choose Glenn Department of Civil Engineering for their postgraduate engineering education for a variety of reasons. As a national leader in providing engineering education, the department offers several advanced degrees and certificate programs.

Although classes for this certificate program are taught entirely online, degree candidates and certificate-seeking students benefit from the Clemson Experience. A top 25-ranked U.S. public institution in 2018, Clemson University is committed to excellence in education.

To learn more, contact us today. When you are ready to take the next step, apply online!
