Luke Rapa

Luke RapaDr. Luke Rapa joins the Rutland Institute for Ethics as a Faculty Fellow for the Spring of 2024. Dr. Rapa is an Associate Professor in the College of Education. Dr. Rapa received his PhD in Educational Psychology from Michigan State University in 2016 and his Bachelor and Masters degrees in English from Grand Valley State University in 2003 and 2010 respectively. 

Dr. Rapa's research rests at the intersection of developmental and educational psychologies. Broadly, Rapa studies how contextual, sociocultural, and sociopolitical factors--including socioeconomic disadvantage, structural constraints, and societal inequality--shape key developmental and psychological processes and promote or constrain adolescent's development and academic success. More specifically, Rapa's program of research examines (1) how adolescents critically analyze societal inequities and develop the motivation and agency to redress such inequities, or develop "critical consciousness"; (2) how youth navigate structural constraints or marginalizing systems (e.g., institutional racism, discrimination, stereotypes in school) to achieve academic success and well-being; and (3) how social identity threats shape development and how and social-psychological interventions can bolster academic performance and promote well-being.

At the Institute, Dr. Rapa will deliver faculty presentations on The Question Project and maintain Clemson’s role in the program as well as coordinate and deliver Graduate Distinguished Ethics Scholars Presentations bi-annually. Dr. Rapa will also direct the Faculty and Graduate Assistant Research Award Programs and be utilized in classrooms and the community an internal and external presenter on ethical decision-making and ethical leadership.