Clemson University Office of Faculty ADVANCEment

  • Faculty at Clemson University, Clemson, SC
  • Faculty at Clemson University, Clemson, SC
  • Academics at Clemson University, Clemson SC
  • Faculty at Clemson University, Clemson SC
  • Campus at Clemson University, Clemson SC
  • Faculty at Clemson University, Clemson, SC

As part of the Provost's Office, we are building upon the experiences of the NSF grant-funded TIGERS Advance Program. The Office of Faculty ADVANCEment will cultivate and implement research-informed programs that support faculty. 

Our Office has two main focus areas: 

  • Faculty Mentoring - research best practices, lead university-wide network of senior faculty mentors to support mid- and later-career faculty
  • Best Practices in Faculty Review - produce programming on the evaluations of teaching effectiveness; goal-setting and annual reviews; and tenure, promotion and reappointment (TPR).


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Faculty ADVANCEment Blog

Faculty Grow 2024

Featured Faculty: Elías Tzoc

Featured Faculty: Michael Sehorn

Featured Faculty: Rodrigo Martinez Duarte and Anne Salces y Nedeo

Meet Dr. David Knox, Director of the University Testing and Education Center (UTEC)

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