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Objectives and Purpose

The ASCE Geo-Institute Graduate Student Organization (ASCE GI-GSO) at Clemson University was established in Fall 2018. The major objectives of this organization are to enrich the geotechnical engineering study experience of the students and to encourage students to be part of and participate in the activities organized by Geo-Institute (G-I). Some of the activities organized by the ASCE GI-GSO at Clemson University include inviting guest speakers from academia and industry, arranging field trips, K-12 outreach and social events. The active members of ASCE GI-GSO are the graduate students in Geotechnical Engineering. However, the undergraduate students can become an associate member. Further, the students, faculty, and staff at Clemson University who are interested in the events organized by the ASCE GI-GSO can participate. For more information, contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Nadarajah Ravichandran.