What is FAD SAFE?
FAD SAFE stands for the Foreign Animal Disease Southern Agriculture Functional Exercise. It is a cooperative effort between the Southern Animal Health Association (SAHA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS) Veterinary Services (VS). FAD SAFE is designed to enhance animal disease emergency preparedness and response efforts through exercising plans, policies, and procedures.
What are the goals of FAD SAFE?
- Develop uniform public messaging between all stakeholders
- Implement plans, policies, and procedures
- Identify resources for a FAD response at federal, state, and local levels
- Coordinate communications and information sharing between all stakeholders
- Coordinate the response to a regional-level FAD outbreak
Why is South Carolina involved in FAD SAFE?
Agribusiness (including forestry) is the largest sector in South Carolina’s economy with an estimated $41.7 billion total economic impact. Food animal livestock make up almost 60% of the non-forestry segment. The FAD SAFE lead agency for South Carolina is Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health, the office of the State Veterinarian who serves as the state animal health official. The CULPH mission includes the protection of animal health in South Carolina through the control of endemic, foreign, and emerging diseases in livestock and poultry.
What activities are included in FAD SAFE?
- Monthly Workgroup Calls
- Mid-Term Planning Meeting
- Final Planning Meeting
- Functional Days of Play
- November 16-18, 2021 in Columbia, South Carolina
- Emergency Management Response System 2.0 for Incident Management Teams
- February 4-6, 2020 in Gainesville, Florida
- Unified Command Tabletop Exercise
- February 26, 2020 in Columbia, South Carolina
Questions about FAD SAFE in South Carolina can be submitted to Tina Kimmett by phone 803-977-9590 or email krystir@clemson.edu.