Requirements for Having a Poultry Show or Exhibition in SC

Below is what is required for a poultry show or Exhibition in SC.  Since there may be out of state birds coming to shows – be sure to follow those interstate movement rules also.  The Pullorum Testing Reports and the Movement Forms are sent to Dr. Helm (SC NPIP) ASAP after the show.

Clemson livestock inspectors will not be doing the Pullorum testing (you need to get a private licensed NPIP tester), but inspectors may be present to collect Avian Flu swabs and to make sure you are doing the below procedures.

What is required for a SC poultry show:

  1. Exhibition Permit -- Current exhibition permit from State Vet’s Office (us at Clemson LPH)
  2. Pullorum testing -- ALL poultry is checked for current negative Pullorum testing or NPIP Clean certification – or birds are tested negative at check-in.
  3. Movement form -- ALL out-of-state poultry coming into SC must have a movement form (even if NPIP Pullorum Clean) and official NPIP/state bands

Links to forms:

1.  SC Exhibition Permit Application form – (SC Exhibition Permit Application)

2.  Pullorum Testing Forms
     a. Private licensed NPIP Testers will have the official Pullorum testing form – and can get the market/show version of the form from Dr. Helm.
     b. Pullorum testing Market/Show form example with detailed owner contact sheet to include detailed owner contact form.

3.  Pullorum testing and banding for dummies handout

4.  Movement Forms – 3 examples:
     a. Record of interstate movement into SC for markets & shows (multiple owners)  – note this PDF form is fillable and email-able to Dr. Helm. 
     b. Record of interstate movement into SC for single owner
     c. An example of a movement form as part of the show’s pre-registration form

Exhibition Permit:

1.  Exhibition permit from State Vet’s Office (us at Clemson LPH) -- $5.00 per year
2.  Permit year is March 1 through Feb. 28 of each year.
3.  Can have multiple shows in multiple locations on 1 permit – based on who (name/address) is keeping the records.
4.  Requires complete records of attendees (name, location address, phone) – should be part of your normal registration paperwork.


What I suggest is having three (3) stations that everyone must stop at before cooping in the show, since the poor Pullorum tester cannot do it all.  Break the habit of people just walking the birds from their truck straight to cages without checking in first!  This is how it is supposed to be done.

1.  First station/person – checks Pullorum and movement paperwork and directs traffic. 
     a. If they need Pullorum testing – they are sent to the Pullorum testing station (#2). 
     b. If they need to turn in or fill out an out of state movement form – they do so at your         table (#1).
     c. If they just need bands put on the birds (not put on in their state) – they are sent to the Pullorum testing station (#2).  
     d. If they pass or finished with Pullorum testing, banding and movement forms – they head to the show check-in station to check off their name and pay any show fees (#3).

2.  2nd station/person – Pullorum testing and putting on bands

3.  3rd station/person – regular show check-in, pay fees etc.

4.  In the end – I need a copy of the official Pullorum testing form (plus any attachments) and the real or copy of the movement forms.

Out-of-State movement forms:

ALL out-of-state poultry coming into SC must have a movement form (even if NPIP Pullorum Clean) and the birds must have official NPIP/state bands.

1.  Either owners come with a NPIP 9-3 Movement Form with bands numbers to give you or they fill out my movement form at check-in (before cooping!). 

2.  The out of state movement form requires that the band numbers be listed.  People don’t usually have these band numbers ahead of time (currently) and get cranky if they have to haul out their birds to look at band numbers before cooping.  So start training the attendees to make a list of the official NPIP/State bands ahead of time – or – have them fill out the movement form at the table, then give them a piece of paper and pen to take with them and they write down the bands as they coop their birds and return it to you.

Some suggestions to have this process run as smooth as possible:

  1. Have the owner fill out the form at home ahead of time and bring it to the show – that way they write the bands down as they pack their birds (or at least write their info down).
  2. Three types of movement form examples in the links include:

          a. Record of interstate movement for single owners, or multiple owners, or

          b. Show pre-registration movement form – You can make it your own with your show information filled in.  Perhaps it could serve as both the    general registration and movement form all in one – so people just fill out the information once.

          c. With any type of movement form – a copy goes to me (Dr. Helm).  If you want to make your own version of show registration/movement form – send a draft to me to look it over.

          d. SC persons do not need to fill out a movement form or put their band numbers on a movement form or a combination registration/movement form – if they get Pullorum tested, those band numbers appear on the Pullorum Test Record.

Pullorum Testing:

ALL poultry is checked for current NPIP Pullorum Clean paperwork before cooping – or – negative Pullorum test paperwork for individual birds (SC bird Pullorum test is good for 90 days, out of state bird Pullorum test is good for 30 days) – or – the bird is Pullorum tested on the spot.  You find a private SC licensed NPIP tester to do this testing – I can get you a list of SC testers if you need it – State Clemson Inspectors will not be doing this.

For private licensed SC NPIP Testers:

Use the Detailed owner info form to fill out all information while you are testing.  Then when you are done testing,, sit down in a quiet place and fill out the official Pullorum Testing Record.  Mail me both the top copy of the official forms and Detailed owner info form ASAP (but no staples, I have to scan all copies).

These Pullorum Testing Reports come as serial numbered forms that I check out to the private tester and has 3 copies (top copy to me, 2nd copy to owner, 3rd copy to tester).  Most owners do not want a copy of their Pullorum testing, so the tester can use a market/show testing form (to save paper).  You should still ask every owner – are you going to a show in SC within the next 90 days (3 months) or a show outside of SC within the next 30 days?  If the answer is yes, then you can make the owner their own copy (2 ways listed below) – do it after you are done testing for the show, the owner can pick it up later.  

1. Use the individual Pullorum Test form – for anyone who wants their own copy of the Pullorum Test Report to go to other shows.

2. Use the market/show Pullorum Test form – for multiple people who do not need a copy of the test.  Testers, either put all of the information on the official form – or – or use your Detailed owner information sheet and add the necessary information to the test form (see example in the form links).

3. The date at the bottom of the Pullorum Test Records is always the date the test was performed on (not the date you filled out the paperwork later on).  so officially, if you test on 2 different days, then you need 2 test forms.

4. Pullorum testing and banding for Dummies handout – someone asked me for this so I made it! – see the forms link.

5. Also I now have tiny leg bands and pliers for quail – cinch leg bands.

Answers to “Why are doing that?” from the crowd during Pullorum-Typhoid testing:

1. What are you doing?  Blood testing to look for 2 salmonella diseases of poultry – Pullorum and Typhoid.  This is only a salmonella disease of poultry and not of people.  In years past, Pullorum disease devastated the growing poultry industries.  The disease can be carried by adult birds without any symptoms and passed onto other birds or to their babies through the hatching eggs and cause up to 80-100% death loss in baby chicks.  Pullorum and Typhoid Diseases are Reportable Diseases to the State Veterinarian’s Office – this is how important it is.

2. Why do you have to do it?  It is SC State Regulations that all poultry either entering SC or going to a poultry exhibition must be tested negative for Pullorum-Typhoid or come from a farm that is certified as NPIP Pullorum-Typhoid Clean with proof of current certification.

3. What happens when you have a test reactor?  Further lab testing will be done of the reacting bird to confirm whether it is really Pullorum/Typhoid or not.  But until those tests are completed, all the birds from the same owner as the reacting bird must go home from the exhibition.

4. Why don’t you have to test doves or pigeons?  Because they don’t get the disease.  But all the other poultry type birds can get either Pullorum or Typhoid salmonella.