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Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design

Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design, Ph.D.

Student delivering speech at lectern

Find your voice

Welcome to the Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design (RCID) doctoral program at Clemson University, in the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities. We are seeking the top students in these evolving fields who are interested in an overall balance of ecologies in rhetorics and communication with emphasis on rhetorics and digital information design. Our program offers a cross-cultural, transdisciplinary curriculum with a conceptual emphasis on knowing, doing, and making – or theoretical, practical and productive approaches to knowledge. Our students take professional, private sector, and academic positions.

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College Arts and Humanities | Department of Interdisciplinary Studies
College Arts and Humanities | Department of Interdisciplinary Studies | 256F Sirrine Hall, Clemson, SC 29634