Reporting a Criminal Sexual Assault to Law Enforcement

Reports of sexual assault should be made as soon as possible to the Clemson University Police Department (CUPD) or other appropriate law enforcement agency if the incident occurred off campus. To make a criminal report to CUPD call 911 or 864-656-2222. Away from campus, concerned persons should call 911.

When Reporting...

  • It is recommended to not shower, eat, drink, smoke, comb your hair, urinate, defecate, douche or change your clothes before going to the emergency room. However, if you have already done so, do not deter from seeking medical care.
  • If your clothes have been changed, save the clothing you were wearing, do not wash them; place the items in a separate paper bag (do not use plastic bags)
  • If you suspect you may have been given a date rape/predatory drug, a hospital or clinic may want a urine sample immediately as these drugs are more likely to be detected in the urine than in blood.
  • Take notes! Write down as much as you can remember about the circumstances. This may help if you choose to file a complaint or charges.
  • If you have showered or tampered with the clothing items, still seek medical attention!
  • Victims can have an exam and report anonymously to a licensed SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) nurse if they want; once the evidence is collected a victim could prosecute days, weeks or even months later. Often times these exams are done at no cost.

For more information, contact the Office of Access and Equity.