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Student Leadership and Engagement


CONNECTIONS is an initiative to assist first-year students that identify as a student of color (African-American, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, Asian, Native American, multiracial) or a first generation student with their transition to Clemson University. Through our program, students will have opportunities to develop across the 5 CONNECTIONS pillars.

  • Support Network

    CONNECTIONS creates the environment for students within the program to create personal and professional networks within and outside of the program.

  • Academic Engagement

    CONNECTIONS provides the opportunity to engage with your peers in our own first-year seminar course. We also encourage you to utilize course support services for your success!

  • Personal Development

    CONNECTIONS offers individual meetings with staff to connect you to opportunities, address your concerns, assess goals, identify involvement interest, etc.

  • Involvement

    CONNECTIONS promotes opportunities that exist outside of the classroom to enrich your experience and support your transition.

  • Culture and Diversity

    CONNECTIONS believes in the value of students understanding their own social identities as well as the identities and experiences of other people.

Primary Components

The three primary components of CONNECTIONS are Living-Learning Community, Peer Mentoring and Faculty/Staff Engagement.

Please feel free to email Mikayla Morris with questions.

  • Living-Learning Community

    Holmes Hall services as our primary community for CONNECTIONS and enables students to build a sense of belonging to Clemson, form a support network and begin creating their college experience. The community experience includes:

    • CONNECTIONS-only freshman seminar

    • Social activities (canvas painting, bowling, games, nights, etc.)

    • Lunchtime dialogues (graduate school preparation, summer planning, etc.)

    • In-hall academic tutoring through the Academic Success Center

    Residents in Sciences and Engineering Program (RiSE), Community for Undergraduate Business Students (CUBS) and Women in Veterinary Science (WAVS) serve as secondary communities for CONNECTIONS students with an eligible STEM or business major. We believe the combined CONNECTIONS and the academic and career engagements through RiSE and CUBS create an environment that fosters success in the transition of new college freshmen. In addition to receiving the CONNECTIONS experience mentioned above you will also experience:

    • Support from a community of peers with similar academic and social experiences.

    • Engagement with faculty and staff invested in your success in and out of the classroom.

    • Understanding your connection between your social identities and program of study.

  • Peer Mentoring

    Our team of peer mentors serves as a resource and guide for students throughout their first year at Clemson. Peer mentors will meet with students individually each month and also attend university-related events with students. Our peer mentors are:

    • Diverse in terms of majors, social identities and experiences.

    • Equipped to support new students in transitions, campus involvement, development of goals, establishment of connects, and the Clemson Experience.

  • Faculty, Staff and Community Engagement

    Clemson University is home to world-class staff and faculty. Through CONNECTIONS you will be able to meet one-on-one with faculty and staff as you navigate your transition and continue to progress towards your degree. In addition, alumni, corporate partners and community members are actively engagement in supporting students. The support provided from this group will provide you guidance in exploring career opportunities, developing career competencies and establishing involvement in your community.

Center for Student Leadership and Engagement
Center for Student Leadership and Engagement | 300 Sirrine Hall, 515 Calhoun Dr, Clemson, SC 29634