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Political Science

Study Abroad


Clemson Students holding a Clemson pennant in Belgrade

Earn Clemson credit in Belgrade, the crossroads of Europe and the capital of Serbia, for about the same cost as you would spend to study in Clemson! Satisfy most of your global politics or political science minor requirements or many of your political science major requirements while spending a semester abroad gaining a true international perspective. All courses are taught in English by top Belgrade University professors. The academic program will consist of five Clemson courses (15 credit-hours total), including 12 hours of political science and three hours of elective. The program includes numerous opportunities to interact with Serbian students, officials in the Serbian government, and representatives of local NGOs. The program includes several excursions within Serbia and the Balkan region. Students will gain a truly international perspective on world politics and international relations while studying and living in Belgrade, a cosmopolitan European capital city.

Hear from Clemson Students

  • Belgrade Academic Program

    The program is based on Clemson political science curricular requirements. The courses emphasize international relations and comparative politics. There are five total courses, including four in political science. The fifth course will be focused on Serbian history, culture and basic language. A student can complete core requirements in international relations and comparative politics while on this study abroad. If the student has already taken one of the courses listed here, the option of taking POSC 4100/4090 (Independent Study) will be offered.

    A global politics or political science minor can satisfy 12 of the 15 3/4000 hour requirements.  Any POSC 4890 or POSC 4100 courses taught can be substituted for courses among the list on the minor sheets. You must consult with Professor Peake and your academic advisor to ensure all of your assigned courses meet your needed curricular requirements.

    POSC 3630 U.S. Foreign Policy (core international relations course): The Faculty of Political Science at UB currently teach a variety of courses related to U.S. foreign policy. The U.S. foreign policy course focuses on international relations theory applied to American foreign policy in historical perspective, with particular emphasis on the decision-making process, contemporary American capabilities and challenges, and analysis of key issues.

    POSC 4890 Selected Topics - Post-Conflict Society and Politics in the Balkans: The Faculty of Political Science at UB are experts in Balkan politics and the post-conflict society of the Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo). The course will focus on the 1990s conflicts that engulfed the region and the politics that have resulted since. We have planned a number of excursions as part of the course, including to Srebrenica, Sarajevo, and Pristina.

    POSC 3710 European Politics (core comparative politics course): The Faculty of Political Science at UB currently teaches several courses related to European politics. The faculty has several experts in European politics on staff. The course will focus on European governments and issues of importance in the European context. Specific emphasis will be given to the EU and EU enlargement, including issues related to Serbian inclusion in the EU.

    POSC 4480 International Political Economy (IR core course): A key course for understanding our globalized economy and important political dynamics. The course provides students with background knowledge and conceptual tools for understanding the politics of international economic relations. Students are introduced to the major issues of the international political economy and different perspectives approaching these issues.

    IS 2100 Serbian Language, Politics, History and Culture (Required for all enrolled students, fits an elective) will include culture, language, politics and history related to Serbia specifically, and to the region of former Yugoslavia. This course satisfies the cross-cultural awareness general education requirement, and might serve as either fulfilling a general education requirement or as an elective. The course will include lecturers from the Faculty of Political Sciences and representatives of the government and non-governmental organizations. The course will also include some Serbian language instruction and the planned excursions are part of the course.

    POSC 4100 Directed Study: International Politics: If a student already has course credit for POSC courses offered above, the student can complete an independent study in an area of interest with one of the contracted instructors. The course should be a topic in international relations or comparative politics and relate to the instructor's expertise. Other arrangements may be possible based on the particular academic needs of the participating students, to include independent study courses in other areas with Clemson faculty.

    The planned schedule is for students to start their semester here at Clemson with several meetings to prepare students. Preparation will begin during the Fall semester via a Creative Inquiry section that Dr. Peake runs (POSC 3050-002). We will use resources available from the Office of Global Engagement and Dr. Peake will be responsible for leading this part of the course. In mid to late January students will travel together to Belgrade, and complete the remainder of the semester there, returning early in May. We have on-site coordinators contracted by Clemson to support the students while studying in Belgrade.

  • Faculty and Program Consultants

    Vladimir Matic is a retired senior lecturer and has been teaching at Clemson since 1996. He teaches international relations, foreign policy, diplomacy, European politics and Middle East politics. He is an acknowledged expert on American foreign policy, European and Balkan affairs, and author of numerous papers and articles. He is a former Yugoslav career diplomat and ambassador who resigned the post of Assistant Federal Minister in 1993 in disagreement on policy and moral issues. After the change of the regime in 2000 in Serbia, he was the first diplomatic representative of the new government in the United States as a Special Envoy of the Yugoslav President.

    Jeffrey Peake is a professor and chair of the Department of Political Science at Clemson University. Prior to joining the faculty at Clemson, Peake was a professor of political science at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. A 1992 Clemson alumnus (B.A., political science), he received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University in 1999. Peake's research interests focus on the presidency, the media, and Congress. More specifically, Peake has written on presidential leadership of the media and the public, presidential-congressional relations, agenda-setting, and the domestic politics of treaties. He teaches courses on the presidency, Congress, U.S. foreign policy, and the policy process.

    Dragan R. Simic, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Belgrade and dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences. He teaches international relations, national and global security, grand strategy and strategic thinking, geopolitics, U.S. foreign and security policy, and Serbian-American relations. He has taught these courses at other universities abroad.

    Dragan Živojinovic is an assistant professor at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Sciences. He teaches international relations and U.S. foreign and security policy. He holds the post of secretary of the Center for the Study of the United States of America.


    Maja Kovacevic, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences (International Studies Department). She teaches European Integration – developments and problems,

    Ivan Vujacic, Ph.D., associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade. He teaches fundamentals of economics, comparative economic systems, and the economics of EU integration. He is also a professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, where he teaches comparative economic systems, international economic relations, and the American economic system.

    Aleksandra Pastor, on-sight mentor, coordinator and academic teaching assistant, earned a master of arts in public administration in 2005 and master of arts in international relations in 2006 at Syracuse University, New York; a graduate certificate in European studies in 2002 in Belgrade; and a bachelor of arts in economics at the University of Novi Sad. She won two awards from the U.S. Department of State – the Ron Brown Fellowship (2004) and the Local Government Academy Fellowship (2003). 

  • Application Process

    To apply, contact Professor Jeffrey Peake (107 Poole) and go to the Clemson Study abroad website for the program located here at this link.

    You will need to fill out a form and submit it with a deposit of $750. If you are accepted, the deposit becomes part of the program fee, and if not you will get a full refund.

    Students enrolled at other universities are eligible for this program and pay in-state tuition. They will get the status of Clemson special student and can transfer credit hours as Clemson course credits. You will need to check with your academic advisor at your home university to ensure the courses transfer into your academic program.

    Apply early since the group is limited to 10 students and acceptance will be based on first come basis for eligible students.

  • Financial

    Please see the program brochure at the study abroad website for financial information and the program application.

    Study Abroad Website

  • Contact

    If you have any questions, please contact one of the people below.



This is a unique opportunity to learn about the world and Europe - a troubled history and current developments, culture and most importantly about people - by living there submerged in a foreign yet safe and friendly environment. You will meet people from all strata of life and absorb new knowledge by socializing with your peers and making friends and experiencing all aspects of life in most vibrant and hospitable European capitals which never sleep and where people live a rich social life. You will enjoy also the countryside – mountains, rivers (rafting) and lakes, unparalleled beauty of the Mediterranean coast, see three of the best preserved medieval cities in the world and experience the magnificent Adriatic Sea beaches. 

A challenging and rewarding program (six credit hours) includes:

  • Briefings by government and other officials, diplomats and journalists, sessions with representatives of nongovernmental organizations and conversations with students.
  • Meetings and discussions with faculty and students arranged in collaboration with the School of Political Sciences in Belgrade and in Podgorica, and Diplomatic Academy in Zagreb.
  • Visits to museums, historic monuments and churches, exhibitions, concerts, opera and ballet, and sightseeing as well as excursions.

The entire program will be conducted in English.

  • Balkans Academic Program

    Courses offered are POSC 459: Ethnic Violence and POSC 489: The Balkans and the International Community. You may take POSC 410 as the third course (1-3 credits) and earn nine credit hours in one month while having a great time. The program is offered also to graduate students (POSC 878: Selected Topics).

    Monday through Friday program will be based on the following schedule:

    • 9-10:30 a.m. - Review and critical analysis of the program/meetings of the previous day followed by a lecture/presentation and discussion.
    • 11 a.m.-12 p.m. - Visits to museums, monuments, churches, etc.
    • 2:30-4 p.m. - Meetings with local representatives and conferences.
    • There will also be meetings with local students and discussion (topics may be proposed by both sides in advance).

    You will learn and develop skills through interaction with Serbian, Montenegrin and Croatian students and faculty and high ranking officials. After having spent a month there you'll be enriched by an experience which will make you cosmopolitan in more ways than one. Your horizons will be broadened and you will be able to better understand developments in Europe and have your own opinion about major issues. Most importantly, you will better understand your own country and its policy and culture and more fully appreciate its diversity and core values so you can carry on the torch successfully in the 21st century.

  • Places You'll Visit

    Former Yugoslavia was one of the pillars of European security structure throughout the Cold War and played an important role in international politics based on its strategic position, its fiercely independent policy, and its exceeding by far its own power and size. In the early 1990s, this federation began unraveling and today there are seven sovereign states in its place. The process of disintegration was violent and heinous crimes were committed very often by nationalist paramilitary groups against civilian population in what was named ethnic cleansing – attempts to create ethnically pure national states.

    There have been no military conflicts or violence since the 1995 Dayton agreements, which ended carnage in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the 1999 NATO bombing campaign against Serbia, but the international community remains heavily involved in the area in order to stabilize it. Some NATO forces still provide security in Kosovo, and the U.N. and European Union are involved in administering it. The EU and the United States are also still involved in governance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia is a member of NATO and the EU (since 2014), while Serbia and Montenegro are negotiating accession to the EU.

    The Balkans achieved progress in the past decade and attracts visitors by the natural beauty and rich cultural history. Most importantly, visitors are spellbound by the atmosphere and hospitality. Their enjoyment of still inexpensive cultural events and delicious food is surpassed only by the joy of discovery of a new world and making new friends.

    Serbia and Belgrade

    Serbia has been recovering since 2000, when their autocratic leader Milosevic was removed from power. The assistance of the international community, in particular the EU and the U.S., has been massive, but the economy is lagging behind and the ongoing transformation is very slow. The position of consecutive governments, supported by the public, is to keep moving toward membership in the EU and building democratic institutions.

    Belgrade, a jewel of European tourism, is a city with almost two million people. Its center - the old city - is small enough to get acquainted within a few days and start feeling at home. People are very friendly and most, especially the young, speak English.

    The city connects northern and southern Europe, East and West, and Europe and Asia. Belgrade is the crossroads where civilizations met and armies and empires clashed, and where religions engaged in the struggle for souls. In Belgrade, cultures and ideas fused to create a rich and unique environment combining European finesse and Asian refinement.

    Numerous museums provide vivid displays of Serbia’s rich cultural heritage. Belgrade boasts some of the greatest nightlife to be found anywhere in Europe. The city has world-class opera, ballet and music. It is also famous for its restaurants and clubs, many with live music and all with cuisine combining the best of the European and Asian cultures. Outdoor cafes abound throughout the city’s center.


    It declared independence on 2008 and is in transition towards full sovereignty and international recognition negotiating with Serbia under the mediation of the European Union. Unresolved issues include position of the Serbian minority in the country where Albanians are almost ninety present of the population as well as property, communications etc.

    Kosovo is former province of Serbia and the cradle of Serbian medieval state. It hosts some of the oldest and most beautiful orthodox monasteries. The capital Prishtina is a lively fast growing city welcoming foreign visitors and in particular Americans. It is full of young people who congregate in numerous cafes and restaurants serving local and oriental food.

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    This former republic of Yugoslavia was most ethnically heterogeneous. The conflicts from 1992 to 1995 accounted more than 100,000 casualties, displacement of 60 percent of the population, and genocide. This resulted in the creation of three ethnically pure territorial units. The international community accepted and even legalized this in 1995 to end the armed conflicts. The recovery has been very slow since nationalists remained in power. Today, notwithstanding the economic, social and political problems, there is peace in this beautiful and ethnically diverse country.

    The capital, Sarajevo, is a unique mixture of European and oriental architecture as well as culture. Within a couple of hundred yards one can see a medieval mosque, a synagogue, an orthodox church and a catholic cathedral. The old city is well preserved and offers dining and shopping not to be found anywhere else. This is the place where Austro-Hungarian Prince Ferdinand was assassinated in June 1914, which triggered the Great War.


    The Mediterranean has attracted adventure seekers as well as poets for centuries. Madonna was just one in a long series of famous visitors of this fascinating country where majestic mountains reach all the way to the lovely beaches washed by clear blue sea. The coast is dotted with medieval towns which offer beauty, serenity and hospitality off the beaten tourist paths. This proud, small nation, independent again since 2006, has a rich history, and many Roman and Byzantine monuments are preserved, along with later cultural influences of Venice and Austria. In addition to national dishes, it offers famous prosciutto and Njeguski cheese made by mountain peasants for centuries.


    The Dalmatian coast shares a rich history of the Mediterranean. Ulysses sailed along this coast and visited islands. It was frequented by the ancient Greeks, ruled by Romans – many monuments and palaces still exist – Venetia, France and Austria before becoming part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia after World War I. Ancient cities and beautiful beaches are all along the coast. No wonder it has been a tourist Mecca ever since people started traveling. Dubrovnik, a medieval city holds a prominent place on the UNESCO list of World Heritage because of its Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque churches and palaces, streets with fountains and buildings mostly from 13th and 16th centuries. You will walk the stone paved streets and the walls of the fortress, which once protected this city republic.

    Croatia’s capital Zagreb – with a beautiful typically central European old city - is bursting with life. It offers walks through streets dotted with cafes with outdoor tables and a rich nightlife.

    National Park Plitvice Lakes, in the mountains between Zagreb and the Adriatic coast, is a unique natural phenomenon – a set of lakes connected by waterfalls. Its transparent green waters and serene surroundings excite and calm visitors at the same time.

  • Application Process

    Application is now online and you will need to provide a name for the recommendation and pay by credit or check card $250 advance on program fee at the time you apply (fully refundable if you are not accepted)

  • Financial

    All participants in the program pay in-state summer study abroad tuition, based on at least six hours of tuition ($637 per credit hour), as well as a program fee. The program fee is set based on the number of participants. Tuition and the program fee will cover hotel accommodation in the heart of the cities to be visited, and a villa at the seaside in Montenegro, transportation from the moment of arrival, all excursions, museum and event tickets (concerts or opera and ballet), course materials, many (but not all) meals, and health insurance. Airfare is not included.

    NOTE: Space is limited! If you want educational enrichment, six credit hours, to visit four countries in one month, and to have the time of your young life, apply now to secure your placement in the program.

    Tuition Costs

    Please see the Clemson University tuition calculator.  Please note, out-of-state students pay in-state tuition and no Behavioral Science course/major fees are collected for the semester abroad.  You can also compare the estimated costs of attending Clemson on campus here:  Be sure to divide by two, since the costs on this web site are costs per academic year (two semesters).

  • Contact

    If you have any questions, please contact one of the people below.

Department of Political Science
Department of Political Science | 232 Brackett Hall