Ready for Online?

Online Teaching Methods used at Clemson

  • Online
    Students access course materials at their own convenience and interact with the professor or other classmates through discussion boards, email, and other flexible communication tools.
  • Synchronous
    Students log on at scheduled time to interact directly with the professor or other classmates.
  • Hybrid
    Students complete course requirements via both face-to-face and online access of information.

Exams and assignments are also unique to each class, designed by Clemson’s outstanding faculty and supported by Clemson Online's quality assurance services. Course content often includes participating in class discussions on Canvas, collaborating with classmates in group projects through email and video, participating in research with faculty and peers, and taking part in proctored exams.

The process of registering for online courses at Clemson is the same as it is for traditional courses. Current students should consult their academic advisor for assistance with choosing the best course offerings to complete their degree. Don't hesitate to contact the Registrar for additional help with registering.

For questions about individual courses, contact the professor or department offering the course for further details.

Tips for online success

  • Actively communicate with your professor
    You may live hundreds of miles away from your professor and may not see them face-to-face each week, but you can still keep in contact! It is a good idea to actively communicate with your professor. Let them get to know who you are, what your interests in the course are, and where you could use some extra help. Do not wait until the last minute to ask for help - establish a relationship early on so that you can get help right from the start.
  • Actively communicate with your classmates
    Email, discussion boards, and video chat have made it easy to stay in touch with people living miles away. Take advantage of this in online classes! Make friends, share study habits, and support each other through the challenging assignments. Be brave and start the conversation. You will get more out of the course if you do!
  • Have backup technology ready
    Taking courses online requires you to have reliable tools to complete your work and submit it on time. Even if you have a top-of-the-line computer, problems can happen when you least expect it. This can cause great stress for online students who do not have a backup plan in place. To avoid much of this stress and to succeed in your online course, have a plan for backup technology. Ask a local friend or relative before the course starts if you can use their internet connection if yours goes down, and make sure you know someone willing to loan you their computer in a pinch. Many local libraries have internet-connected desktop computers available for public use, and you should know when and where they are so that you can easily navigate any unexpected technology problem.
  • Backup vital materials

    When you have a technology problem or a personal emergency, you may need to contact your professor to ask for an extension. If you cannot get to your computer, though, you will want to have the professor’s contact information backed up in another place, like your cellphone or in your email. You may even want to print out your syllabus and assignment schedule so you can easily track down your next due date. This will help you avoid penalties for late work and will reduce stress in a trying situation.

    Likewise, you may want to consider backing up your course materials and assignments to a cloud-based storage system. If your computer crashes, this will allow you to access your work from a different computer without losing all progress. All Clemson users are allotted an unlimited amount of cloud storage on BOX and Google Drive at no cost.

  • Set aside time to do your work
    The flexibility of online coursework is one of the top reasons students enroll in online sections. You can avoid letting the flexibility of asynchronous work become a drawback by setting aside time to complete your reading and assignments. Setting aside a set period of your day for your coursework will help you manage your other responsibilities, like family, work, other classes, and hobbies. If you stay committed to a designated time for your online coursework, you can complete your work on time while establishing a healthy work-life balance.
  • Set aside space to do your work
    Many students love the idea of casually taking classes at home in your pajamas. While the flexibility of where you study is a real draw for online sections, setting aside a specific space for completing your work can help establish a healthy work-life balance. Going to the local library, the den in your house, or the local park to complete your work can help set boundaries that increase productivity. Spatial relationships to work areas can be a way to stimulate your senses to get in work mode, and asking your friends and loved ones to give you space while you work can allow you to maximize your work efficiency.
  • Be mindful of your online tone

    One of the biggest challenges with communicating online is getting your tone right. The online environment often does not have the benefits of facial expressions, pitch and rate of voice, or physical proximity to help clue others in on what you really mean when you share an idea. At times, students find that they intend to share an innocent idea only to have it taken the wrong way because of the words they use or the typographic choices they make. Writing in complete and clear sentences, actively affirming what others say before you disagree, thoughtfully using emoticons, and not writing in ALL CAPS can help avoid some of the common tone mishaps online.

    Be sure to extend “intellectual charity” to your classmates, being respectful even when you strongly disagree. In fact, that respect can go a long way to opening up rich lines of communication that the online environment can offer!

  • Give others the benefit of the doubt

    As you stay mindful of your online tone, remember that your classmates (or even your professor) may make a misstep with tone. When this happens, avoid a war-of-words by first giving them the benefit of the doubt. Assume that your classmates have your best interest and a sense of respect at heart, even when their messages sound cold, dismissive, or rude. Sometimes that is just the effect of typing instead of talking, and giving them the benefit of the doubt can avoid accidental arguments.

    If your classmate insists on being purposefully rude, avoid taking the bait. Instead, focus your energy on a good interaction with your other classmates and professor, getting as much education and experience out of the class as you can. If you ever feel threatened by a classmate, be sure to respectfully contact your professor or Clemson Online for resources to deal with the particular situation.

  • Participate in course activities
    It can be easy to be distracted by other parts of life when you are not sitting in a classroom each week, but to get the most out of your online course, be sure to participate! Take an active part in weekly discussions, suggest ideas to classmates over email, and be sure to approach your work with an open mind ready to engage new ideas. Clemson students are an engaged group of learners, and you will have the most success in your course if you approach your online sections with that same participatory spirit.
  • Enjoy the experience
    Clemson Online wants you to have a memorable and enjoyable Clemson experience. This means signing up for classes you are interested in, finding ways to make the course content your own, and committing to the exciting possibilities the work affords. As you do all of this, remember to enjoy your time! Make memories that you can take with you, find mentors to guide you along the way, and make friends that will be with you through it all.

Self Assessment of Online Learning Readiness

Step 1: Answer each question below with a yes or no and keep track of your responses.
  1. I am comfortable with computers, email, and internet technology.
  2. I understand that online learning is different from traditional classroom learning and will require an equal or greater amount of work.
  3. I enjoy corresponding with people online.
  4. I am a self-directed and self-motivated person capable of working independently.
  5. I can manage my study time efficiently to complete assignments on time.
  6. I enjoy learning new computer skills and programs.
  7. Typing is easy for me.
  8. I am comfortable expressing my thoughts in writing.
  9. I have reliable access to a computer with a high-speed connection.
  10. I can download software to my computer.
  11. I have a reasonable tolerance for frustration when faced with problems from my computer.
  12. I can create, rename, and delete folders.
  13. I have access to and am familiar with Microsoft Word, including composing essays, copying and pasting text, printing, setting margins, adding page numbers, changing fonts, and other basic types of formatting.
  14. I have a compatible web browser (to verify this, access the Monroe Library's Browser Check page and follow any instructions).
  15. I can create, send, forward, reply to, save, and delete email messages.
  16. I can send, open, and save email attachments.
  17. I can send group emails.
  18. I can post messages to discussion lists.
  19. I can locate and access information using a web search engine.
  20. I can use "talk" or "chat" features for real-time communication.
Step 2: Tally the number of yes answers.
Step 3: Evaluate your readiness for online learning using the following guide.
  • 18-20 yes answers: You are a very good candidate for online learning.
  • 16-17 yes answers: You are a good candidate for online learning, but you may need some preparation before undertaking online learning.
  • 14-15 yes answers: You may be a candidate for online learning, but you will need important preparatory work before undertaking online learning.

Adapted from Loyola University