Procurement Policies and Procedures

Direct Purchase Vouchers

Related Procedure

Direct Purchase Vouchers can be prepared for procurements of all supplies and services costing no more than $2,500, unless an appropriate exemption to the Procurement Code is used and documented, and for travel reimbursements to employees. Use of Procurement Card for payments to vendors is the preferred method of payment, but in cases where the Procurement Card is not feasible, the DPV will be used. Department Heads may delegate approval to spend University funds using DPVs in accordance with the Disbursement Policy. People entering and approving DPVs in the system will be trained and annually certified by Procurement Services. The approval for payment by the authorized end user (person receiving the goods or services) and the certified DPV approver are the only approvals required for payments of DPVs. Departments will establish internal processes, procedures, or forms to comply and maintain these approvals.