Guest/Visitor Travel & Expense Reimbursement

When possible, departments are encouraged to pay directly for their guests' travel expenses to minimize the out-of-pocket expense to the guest and to obtain the University's negotiated rates for their travel using a University P-Card. However, when guests pay for their travel expenses directly, they may need to be reimbursed for their travel expenses.  The following outlines the process to be used to make this payment.

Reimbursing a Guest/Visitor

Clemson guests may incur out-of-pocket travel expenses which need to be reimbursed. These expenses must comply with University travel policy and disbursement guidance based on source of funds to be used.

  1. You must communicate with your guest to provide guidance and pre-authorization outlining a cap on funds available to be reimbursed and instructions for submitting for reimbursement. 
  2. Guest/Visitor must use the Non-Employee Visitor/Guest Travel Reimbursement form to document their expenses and collect receipts for their expenses of $25 or over.
  3. The Non-Employee Visitor/Guest Travel Reimbursement form must be submitted to the office indicated in the pre-authorization instructions by the Guest/Visitor within 30 days of the travel being completed
  4. Department must use the Non-Supplier Payment Request form in buyWays to process a reimbursement of travel expenses and attach the completed Non-Employee Visitor/Guest Travel Reimbursement form. International Suppliers CANNOT be processed as Non-Suppliers. Departments will need to request that International Suppliers be invited to register as a Supplier. They will have to complete their Supplier Registration process which allows Clemson University to collect information to process a wire payment in addition to the possible International Tax Documentation.
  5. You will need to use a Non-Supplier or Direct Expenditure form depending on the account code that is being used.

Other considerations/helpful links: