On/Off Campus/Interoffice Delivery

Customer Information

All fields are required before sending. 

Your Name

Your Phone Number

Your Email Address

Department Name

23-Digit Department Account Number

Information About the Piece

Name of the Job

Type of Mail Piece (example: newsletter, memo, brochure)


Is the piece a letter or flat?
Letter Flat

Type of Address

Machine Label
Inkjet Addressing: Be sure to send your address file to us at least five days prior to when the mailing needs to be sent out.
Special Handling

Additional Requirements

Tabbing Sealing Rubber Stamping Inserting

Where will your piece be coming from?
Outside Printing Vendor
I will bring it over or have it delivered.

Mailing Information

Date Needed

Return address that appears on the mailing piece.

How will you be sending us your address file for this mailing piece?

I will email the file comma or tab delimited.
I will email the file already in the correct address format.
I will send labels through courier.
I will send labels through interoffice mail.
The address file will be placed in the Admin Develop Folder.

Other Services

Rubber Stamping
Meter Sealing
Metering, Special Handling
Pickup/Deliver to Post Office
Special Handling/Data Processing Set-up
Inter-office Sorting/Labeling
Labels Only

Special Instructions

An email confirmation will be sent to you when your request is received and put into process. An estimate for the cost of the job will be included.

If you encounter any problems while completing this form or in relation to your mailing, please contact the Bulk Mail Center at 864-656-7720 or email.