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School of Nursing


A group of Clemson University nurses

To make a secure gift today.

You can make a gift by check, phone or online:

CHECKS: Make your check payable to Clemson University Foundation and write Annual Fund-School of Nursing in the memo. Mail to: Clemson University Foundation, PO Box 1889, Clemson, SC 29633-1889.

PHONE: Call Annual Giving at 864.656.5896 and make your gift to the Annual Fund-School of Nursing.

Annual Fund-School of Nursing Ways to Give

Explore other ways to give through endowments, pledges, beneficiary designations and bequests. Please visit:

Your generosity and passion help the Clemson University School of Nursing carry out our mission of excellence and support the future of nursing in the state and nationally. Thank you for your support!

School of Nursing
School of Nursing | 414 Edwards Hall