RPSP Fees and Penalties Assessed

FY 2022-2023

Statutory Authority Amount Purpose General Fund Amount Other Entity CUBS Project No.
SECTION 46-33-80 - Phytosanitary Certificates $80,778.00 Nursery Inspection Program Salaries and Operating $0.00 $0.00 1200058
SECTION 46-33-90 - Nursery Fees $120,218.57 Nursery Inspection Program Salaries and Operating $0.00 $0.00 1200072
SECTION 46-25-810 -  Fertilizer Inspection Fees $720,912.42 Fertilizer Inspection Program Salaries and Operating $0.00 $0.00 1200189
SECTION 46-25-210 -  Fertilizer Registration Fees $80,792.12 Fertilizer Inspection Program Salaries and Operating $0.00 $0.00 1200088
SECTION 46-25-820 - Fertilizer Registration Fees Fertilizer Inspection Program Salaries and Operating

SECTION 46-26-60 - Lime Registration Fees

Fertilizer Inspection Program Salaries and Operating
SECTION 46-25-1010 -  Penalties for plant nutrient deficiencies Paid to consumer if possible. If not, to Gen. Fund $4,969.44 $5,000.00
Section 46-13-60 - Pesticide Applicator licenses $202,23.25 Pesticide regulatory program salaries and operating $0.00 $0.00 1200094
Section 46-13-80
Section 46-13-50 - Pesticide Dealer licenses $9,432.50 Pesticide regulatory program salaries and operating $0.00 $0.00 1200094
Chapter 27-1085(M) - Pesticide Business licenses $160,037.50 Pesticide regulatory program salaries and operating $0.00 $0.00 1200052
Section 46-13-45 - Pesticide Product registrations $1,270,350.00 Pesticide regulatory and education programs $0.00 $0.00 1200053 & 1200133
Section 46-13-180 - Civil Penalties for violation of Pesticide laws All to General Fund $1,000.00 $0.00 1000000
Section 46-9-100
* Values for General Fund and Third Party Transfers of Fertilizer
Deficiency Penalties is derived from internal database