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Contact Information

P: 864-656-3434

Campus Location

O-110 Martin Hall


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Combined B.S./M.S. Program

Clemson students may begin the master’s program in mathematical sciences while completing their undergraduate degree, subject to the following conditions:

  • Undergraduate students must have an overall GPR of at least 3.5 and must have completed a minimum of 90 semester hours.
  • In order to be admitted to the master’s program, students are required to complete the GS6BSMS form, which is available from the Graduate School. Each application requires at least two letters of recommendation.
  • Up to 12 semester hours from the following MATH courses may be included in the bachelor’s degree: 8000, 8030, 8040, 8050, 8100, 8140, 8210, 8530, 8600 or other courses as approved by the graduate coordinator.
  • The graduate coordinator will serve as first-year graduate adviser for all students in the program and will be responsible for approving their graduate plans of study.

Students interested in this program should discuss it with the school’s undergraduate coordinator and graduate coordinator. Application for this program would normally be made by the end of the junior year, although it can be made any time during the junior year up to the start of the final semester prior to graduation. Students are encouraged to have completed or be enrolled in MATH 4120 and/or 4530 prior to submitting an application.

As an alternative to entering the combined bachelor’s/master’s program, undergraduate students are still able to take graduate courses by completing the GS6 form. However, any courses taken in this fashion cannot count simultaneously for both the bachelor’s degree and any subsequent graduate degree at Clemson.

Combined B.S. in Mathematical Sciences / M.S. in Biomedical Data Science and Informatics

Find out more information on this program on the program’s dedicated website.

Refer to the undergraduate announcements under academic regulations on the registrar’s web pages for further explanation on either of these programs.

Contact Information

P: 864-656-3434

Campus Location

O-110 Martin Hall


Monday - Friday:
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.