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Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad

Clemson Global Travel Registration

Student Guidelines for University-Related International Travel

Students traveling outside of the U.S. for a university-related purpose, such as conducting research or attending a conference, need to register their travel in the Clemson Global Travel Registration Portal. This applies to graduate and undergraduate students as well as creative inquiry, student organizations and other similar groups. If your international travel is for credit, please contact for the proper procedure.

The registration process assists students in thinking through their preparation for travel and the ability to assess risk at their destination. Higher-risk destinations will undergo further review by Clemson’s High-Risk Travel Advisory Group (HRTAG). (For students considering organized study abroad programs, go to Fall 2022 programs and Spring 2023 programs.)


  1. Complete the Clemson Global Travel Registration.
    1. In preparation to do so, read the U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory to the destination, and have available details of local accommodation and transportation, proposed travel plans, local contacts, etc.
  2. After submission, the petition will be forwarded to the HRTAG for review.
  3. Petition notification will be sent to the student and their supervisor/adviser.
  4. If the petition is approved, the student will purchase travel insurance and register in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.
  5. Students traveling as part of their assistantship or university employment should complete the following. We advise working on this concurrently while waiting for HRTAG's response.
    1. Submit the International Travel Authorization Form for appropriate approvals prior to approval for work from abroad
    2. Review the checklist for International Travel

In Case of Changing Circumstances

If prior to travel, Clemson University can withdraw authorization for travel if the situation in the area changes prior to departure.

If circumstance changes after travel has commenced, authorization to continue the travel will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


For additional information, contact