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Industrial Engineering


Fostering Success

Examining the accomplishments of Industrial Engineering alumni is a primary way of measuring the department's success. Roughly 90 percent of our graduates work in industry or academia. This high placement rate and our students' individual achievements are a testament to the department's role in preparing students for rewarding careers. With over 400 undergraduate students (sophomore through senior year) and around 175 graduate students, building a connection between students, alumni, and faculty further enhances our mission of fostering success.

Graduates at Little John Coliseum.
Students at Designathon in Watts.
VR research with screen and equipment.

Supporting Opportunities

We partner with alumni and friends to increase the opportunities for our students through user-centered and logistical research and collaborations with industry. Areas of focus that significantly extend the talent and educational offerings include Scholarships, Faculty Professional Development, and Endowments for Excellence.

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Celebrating Accomplishments

The Department of Industrial Engineering wants to ensure alumni can easily find career updates on IE alumni, information to stay involved with the department, and links to our newsletters. We continue to expand our communications via social media, featuring the accomplishments of our alumni and providing additional value to your connection to Clemson IE. We would love to feature our past graduates in our Newsletter and social accounts - please send a paragraph and a photo of your latest endeavors. To help us keep in touch, please create or update your account and electronic mailing subscription preferences with the Clemson University Alumni Association.

Update Information
Student poses with tiger mascot.
Student sin graduation cap and gown.
Amanda Hobbs and Roaring 10 group.

Making An Impact

The Clemson University Young Alumni Council (YAC) recognized Amanda Hobbs as a 2019 "Roaring 10" alumni who impacted business, leadership, community, educational or philanthropic endeavors. To support parity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields, Amanda worked with a Women's Transformation Center in Atlanta, a safe home for women during transitional times. In 2018, through dedicated actions with the department chair for Industrial Engineering at Clemson, AJ inspired 10 other young alumni to participate in establishing the Clemson University Industrial Engineering Board of Young Alumni.

After graduating from Clemson, Ryan Starnes realized he wanted to pursue a career in healthcare with an industrial engineering background. He received his MBA and Masters of Science in Health Administration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Spiers profile

“My background in IE really helped me see how to make the hospital care system more efficient, and I was able to put that into action by helping the healthcare system work out ways to better optimize how long patients stayed for hospital care.”

Ryan Starnes
IE '10
Collage of faces

Who Inspires You?

First Annual IE "Inspiring Excellence" Alumni Awards

The Department of Industrial Engineering would like to acknowledge Clemson IE alumni whose contributions to the IE profession, personal achievements, career accomplishments, and support of others exemplify what the Department hopes for and expects of its alumni.