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College of Arts and Humanities

J. Drew Lanham

J. Drew Lanham

Affiliate Faculty, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Master Teacher, and Certified Wildlife Biologist

Department of English
Office: 115 Lehotsky Hall
Phone: 864-656-7294

Ph.D. in Forest Resources (Wildlife), Clemson University (1997); M.S. in Zooology, Clemson University (1990); B.A. in Zoology, Clemson University (1988)


J. Drew Lanham (B.A. Zoology 1988; M.S. Zoology 1990; PhD Forest Resources 1997) is a native of Edgefield and Aiken, South Carolina. In his twenty years as Clemson University faculty he's worked to understand how forest management impacts wildlife and how human beings think about nature. Dr. Lanham holds an endowed chair as an Alumni Distinguished Professor and was named an Alumni Master Teacher in 2012. In his teaching, research, and outreach roles, Drew seeks to translate conservation science to make it relevant to others in ways that are evocative and understandable. As a Black American he's intrigued with how culture and ethnic prisms can bend perceptions of nature and its care. His 'connecting the conservation dots' and 'coloring the conservation conversation' messages have been delivered internationally. Drew strongly believes that conservation must be a blending of head and heart; rigorous science and evocative art. He is active on a number of conservation boards including the SC Wildlife Federation. South Carolina Audubon, Aldo Leopold Foundation, BirdNote and the American Birding Association. He is an inaugural Fellow of the Audubon-Toyota Together Green initiative and is a member of the advisory board for the North American Association of Environmental Education. Drew is a Fellow of the Clemson University Institute for Parks and was most recently named a 2016 Brandwein Fellow for his work in Environmental Education.


Selected Professional Works

Books (Published)

Carolina Writers at Home. Reid and McDonald, eds. Hub City Press. Spartanburg, SC.

No Forever for Old Farms in State of the Heart: South Carolina Writers on the Places They Love. A. Rogers., ed. Univ. of SC Press. Columbia, SC.

Dog Hands in South Carolina Authors and Their Dogs. B. Teeter, ed. Hub City Press. Spartanburg, SC.

More Than Birds in The Colors of Nature. L. Savoy, ed. Milkweed Editions. Minneapolis, MN.

Bartram on Blacktop. Pp. 403-413 in Bartram's Living Legacy. D. Dallmeyer, ed. Mercer University Press. Atlanta, Ga.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)

Because of Black Hands.

Musings as to Why Negroes Don't Ornithologize.

More than Birds: A Crisis in Birder Identification. Orion Magazine.

Hunting Deer in Broken Country. Pp. 41-45 in Outdoor Adventures in the Upcountry. M.Stone, ed. Hub City Publishing, Spartanburg, S.C.

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634