2025 Call for Proposals
The 2025 Clemson University Men of Color National Summit will offer educational, informative, and enlightening sessions that enable summit participants to experience engaging, empirical, and interactive learning opportunities. The Clemson University Men of Color National Summit's proposal evaluation committee seeks session proposals from a diverse array of leaders, scholars, and educators that engage high school students, undergraduate and graduate students as well as professionals in topics around critical social issues, solution-centered perspectives, and best practices affecting the achievement and college readiness of African-American and Hispanic males and their allies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Submission Process
How do I submit a session proposal for review?
To submit a session proposal, complete all items on the proposal submission form and click the submit button.
When are session proposals due?
You must submit the session proposal, photo, and biographical sketch on or before October 11, 2024 (5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time).
Will prospective presenters receive a confirmation of their proposal submission?
The primary presenter will receive a confirmation acknowledging the proposal submission.
When will the primary presenter be notified of the proposal review committee's decision?
We will notify the primary presenter of the proposal evaluation committee’s decision in late October via email.
What is the purpose of the call for proposals process?
The goal of the call for proposals process is to select the concurrent sessions for the summit. In contrast, the summit's keynote speakers will be invited to speak at the summit.
Do I have to submit my photo and biographical sketch with my proposal submission?
If you do not submit your photo and biographical sketch, your proposal may not be reviewed.
How should I submit the proposal?
Be sure to provide a response for each item on the proposal submission form. The proposal evaluation committee may not review incomplete proposals.
What happens if I submit two of the same proposals?
The proposal evaluation committee will review the last proposal submitted.
- Should I click the submit button more than once?
Can I submit a session proposal after the deadline?
To promote objective submission procedures, we do not accept proposals after the deadline (October 11, 2024, 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time).
I presented a session at a previous summit; can I submit a proposal for next year's summit?
Anyone can submit a proposal. To provide an opportunity for new presenters to participate in the summit, we encourage proposals from individuals that have not presented a session at the summit.
Can I submit my proposal via email?
All proposals must be submitted using the online proposal submission form.
Should I save or print the proposal confirmation screen that is shown after I submit my proposal?
It is a good idea to retain, print or scan an image or file of the proposal confirmation screen, as well as the date and time of your proposal submission, in case there might be a technical issue involved during the submission process. Additionally, it may be helpful to save and print the Thank You for Submitting a Proposal screen as a PDF file.
Do I have to submit a website link to a video of the primary presenter speaking?
The proposal evaluation committee will give preference to those who submit a video; however, the submission of a website link to a video is not required to submit a proposal.
What type of video should I submit?
The purpose of this video is to evaluate the speaker's presence. Therefore, we ask that proposals include a website link to a video of the primary presenter speaking about the summit theme or a video of the primary presenter speaking about any topic. The video does not have to be a formal video or a professionally created video. The video should be at least two minutes in length. Preference will be given to those who submit a video, but it is not required.
Proposal Development
What is a good session format?
The best sessions are interactive, focus on relevant issues, and enable the audience to ask questions during the session. If your session focuses on student participants, please remember the more interactive and hands-on the experience is for students, the more they will get out of the session.
What are the expected session outcomes?
Typical session outcomes include inspiring the audience, motivating the audience for action, discussing success strategies, and providing information for the audience.
What is the recommended title length?
Session titles should be succinct, descriptive and concise.
What is the recommended session content?
While proposal content varies, typical sessions for students will utilize narratives, storytelling, hands-on activities and workshop-style formats to motivate and inspire students. Many sessions will include success strategies for high school and action steps for navigating to future career goals. Sessions that focus on professionals will highlight experiences, research and statistical information followed by recommendations for practice, programs or policies.
What is the preferred session framework for students?
Engaging, hands-on, workshop-style sessions for students typically provide information to enhance academic behavioral, social and career outcomes.
If my session proposal focuses on students, should I describe the intended student audience?
Session proposals that focus on professionals should clearly delineate the extent to which the session is designed for business leaders, community leaders, higher education administrators, parents, policymakers, principals, professors, school counselors, student affairs professionals, teachers or other professional groups.
How should I create a title for my session?
The session title should inform the audience about the purpose and potential impact of the session. While being succinct, the title should excite attendees and grab their attention so that they want to attend your session.
Should I design my session for students and professionals?
Considering the structure of the summit, it will be best if the session focuses on students or professionals.
Should I include a reference list in my session proposal?
Given the space limitations on the proposal submission form, we do not recommend incorporating a reference list in the session proposal. However, any copyrighted material should be indicated using an in-text citation based on the guidelines in the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
What should I avoid in my proposal?
We encourage proposals that do not include discriminatory or offensive language in the title, abstract or any aspect of the proposal. We also encourage proposals that do not include biased political views.
What type of information should I include in my session?
All sessions must incorporate relatable content to the audience and focus on success stories related to the Summit theme.
Evaluation Criteria
When will the committee review the proposals?
The proposal evaluation committee will review session proposals after the call for proposals has ended.
What are the proposal review criteria?
The proposal review criteria include, but are not limited to, the session overview (e.g., Are the session's learning objectives clearly defined, aligned with the session theme, and connected to the summit's theme?); presentation format (e.g., Does the session utilize an effective format?); and audience engagement (e.g., Will the session incorporate impactful audience interaction?).
How can I enhance my proposal?
With regard to the committee's review criteria, which influences the selection decisions, the selected proposals describe the audience for the presentation; specify the focus of the presentation; delineate the connection between the presentation topic and the summit theme; discuss whether the presentation will focus on high school students, college students or professionals; briefly articulate the presenters qualifications; describe how the presentation will be engaging for the intended audience; and incorporate technology, multimedia, handouts, audience interaction, case studies, personal narratives, storytelling and research.
How will the committee review the proposals?
The proposal evaluation committee incorporates a quantitative component (i.e., a rating form) and a qualitative component (i.e., an analysis of the content of the proposal), as well as mixed methods procedures (i.e., a combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques).
What other criteria does the evaluation committee consider?
While evaluating proposals, the committee is advised to consider our interest in diverse, positive and non-political sessions. In addition to these issues, our selection process seeks to ensure that the summit's concurrent sessions discuss solutions to challenges facing men of color. Also, as it relates to evaluating proposals, the committee considers the extent to which session proposals incorporate theoretical, research-based and scholarly perspectives as well as utilize students as co-presenters, focus on college students, focus on high school students, highlight practical implications, integrate research findings, examine college readiness, focus on parents, emphasize mental health topics and focus on contemporary issues.
What additional considerations will the proposal review incorporate?
During the proposal evaluation process, while considering the complex array of attributes about each proposal, the committee also contemplates the potential impact of all of the session proposals recommended for selection. Additionally, the proposal evaluation committee ensures that we have adequate topical representation to address each session theme (i.e., career and professional development, entrepreneurship, masculinity/personal identity, retention rates, graduation and student achievement, and social/community engagement).
Presentation Information
How long is each session?
The presentation time for each concurrent session is 45 minutes.
When are presenters expected to arrive at the session room?
Presenters are expected to arrive at the session room approximately 20 minutes before the start of their session.
Are presenters expected to present their session multiple times during the summit?
Most presenters are expected to present their session one time during the summit. Presentations for the high school student audience will be asked to present twice (on the same day).
Will audiovisual equipment be available in the session room?
Presenters are expected to bring their laptop computer if they use PowerPoint or some other presentation software during the session. The session room will contain a podium, microphone, projector, screen, connecting cables and internet access.
If my session proposal is selected, can I change the session content before or during my presentation?
Speakers must present the information that was incorporated in their session proposal.
If my proposal is accepted, what will happen next?
All selected presenters will be asked to complete and submit a letter of commitment in April.
Summit Overview
Who is the primary audience of the Clemson University Men of Color National Summit?
The audience is diverse with respect to race, gender, religious beliefs, economic status and other cultural differences.
Do we have a preference with regard to session proposal topics?
In addition to proposals for teachers, parents, school counselors, principals, student affairs professionals, higher education administrators and policymakers, we strongly encourage proposals that are designed to motivate, inspire and educate high school students.
If selected for presentation, does the primary presenter have to register for the summit?
The presenter and one co-presenter will be registered automatically after they accept the offer to present a session at the summit.
Will presenters receive compensation for the session?
No, the primary presenter and the co-presenter(s) will not receive compensation for the session. We will provide admission to the two-day summit, including lunch both days, for the primary presenter.
What kind of sessions do you want at the summit?
We welcome all session proposals that connect with the theme of the summit (Building Bridges to Success for African American/Black and Hispanic/Latinx Men of Color and their Allies).
After I read the Frequently Asked Questions, how can I obtain more information about the call for proposals?
After reading all of the frequently asked questions and answers, if you have additional inquiries, please send questions and comments about the call for proposals, via email, to Sara Hanks (smitch5@clemson.edu), Director of Project Management,Division of Community, Engagement, Belonging and Access.