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Ph.D. in Design and the Built Environment

PDBE Handbook

Welcome/Purpose of this Handbook

Welcome to the doctoral Program in Planning, Design and the Built Environment (PDBE) at Clemson University. We wish you success at every stage of your academic journey. This handbook is intended to familiarize you, as a graduate student in PDBE, with the requirements, policies and procedures involved throughout your graduate experience. The rules and regulations provided in this handbook govern our academic programs and describe the duties and responsibilities of graduate students in the program. These rules and regulations, developed through the years and in conjunction with the Graduate School, have proven to be beneficial for both students and faculty in the program. In addition, this handbook provides useful information and resources to ease and enhance your experience in the program. Each student is expected to be familiar with the contents of this handbook.

Download the PDBE Handbook (PDF)
Ph.D. in Planning, Design and the Built Environment
Ph.D. in Planning, Design and the Built Environment | Lee 3-130, Clemson, SC 29634