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Department of Finance

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Advising and Registration Information

Changing Majors Into or Out of Financial Management

Common Course or Curriculum Questions

  • Do I have to retake a course if I make a "D" in it?

    No, as long as 1) your overall GPR is at or above a 2.0, 2) your average FIN-designated GPR is at or above a 2.0 and 3) a "C" or better in this course is not required to take a subsequent course.

  • Can I receive credit for both FIN 3060 and FIN 3110?

    No. Financial management and accounting majors take FIN 3110. Other majors normally take FIN 3060. You can substitute FIN 3060 for FIN 3110 if you took FIN 3060 before you were a financial management major.

  • Can I take FIN 3060 without the required prerequisites? Can I take FIN 3060 at the same time as the prerequisites?

    No. The courses were chosen as prerequisites because knowledge of accounting and statistics is fundamental to the course.

  • Are some courses only offered certain terms? Why is this? What if I'm graduating in a term when the course isn't offered?

    Yes. Course demand for some senior-level courses isn't large enough for those courses to be taught twice a year. We have staggered the offerings within an emphasis area not to overwhelm a student within a particular semester. Please see your advisor for information on when courses are offered.

    You should be able to take all the required courses in time for graduation. However, if you have fallen behind and a course is not available in the semester that you graduate, you may have the option of substituting for another approved FIN course. See the department chair for more information.

  • Can I receive course credit for an internship?

    Yes, we offer an internship course, FIN 3990, during the summer. All internships must be approved by the course coordinator prior to enrolling in the course. See the Internships Tab.

  • I don't like my accounting course. Why do I have to take ACCT courses?

    Financial managers rely on financial statements to make decisions. Whether you are evaluating stocks to decide whether to include them in your investment portfolio, determining how much financing your company needs or examining a proposed real estate development to decide whether to invest, you cannot consistently make good decisions without understanding where the data comes from. Clemson does require more ACCT courses in its curriculum than many other schools, but the corporate recruiters know this and can at least partially explain why students earning B.S. degrees in financial management are sought after.

  • Can I minor in accounting? Do the courses count for both my major and minor?

    Yes. The financial planning emphasis area coursework includes all the courses necessary for an Accounting minor. The other three emphasis areas allow you to fulfill all the obligations of the accounting minor without extra coursework so long as you choose your classes correctly. See the advisor for more information.

  • Do I have to have a minor?


Graduation Information

  • What GPR do I need to graduate?

    You must have a 2.0 overall GPR and a 2.0 average in all FIN-designated courses to graduate. For the purposes of the FIN-designated courses, the grade from the most recent time the course was taken is used in the calculation.

Department of Finance
Department of Finance | 240 Chandler L. Burns Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634