Clemson Collaborations in Service-Learning Archived Webcast

Service-Learning in International Contexts: A New Approach to Collaborating through Technology and Crowd-Sourcing

Archived Webcast, February 7, 2014

Dr. Cassie Quigley, Assistant Professor of Education, has organized several international projects including programs in Costa Rica and Kenya. Over the past year, Dr. Quigley has been able to connect service-learning with her international projects.  In this webcast, Dr. Quigley will discuss the ways to ease the strain of international collaboration through technology and crowd-sourcing. Crowd–sourcing is  the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. Join her to explore a new approach at how to connect service-learning with international collaborations.

Presentation: Service_Learning International

Dr. Cassie Quigley
Cassie Quigley


Cassie Quigley is an Assistant Professor of Science Education in the School of Education at Clemson University. She teaches Environmental Sciences to future science teachers in the MAT Middle Grades program in Greenville, SC.  

Clemson Collaborations in Service-Learning Webcast

Clemson University Collaborations in Service-Learning is sponsored by the Clemson Service Alliance. The Service Alliance promotes the use of community service and service-learning by Clemson faculty in classes with both undergraduate and graduate students in all major disciplinary areas. The Collaborations radio webcasts are an opportunity to hear from some of our Clemson Service Alliance Faculty Fellows, their students, and their community partners about  service-learning projects around the state of S.C., and to learn about the impact of these service-learning projects on the community and on student learning outcomes.  In 2013-2014, we will be focusing on service –learning classes in five different disciplinary areas:  Planning and Landscape Architecture, English, Languages, Teacher Education, and Nursing. Thank you for participating, and we hope that service-learning practitioners in both K-12 and higher education will find these workshops very helpful in the course development, implementation, and evaluation process.
This program comes to you as a public service of Clemson University. There is no fee, and no registration is required. You may listen to the program and view the supplementary materials using only your computer. You will need to call in if you wish to speak on the live program.