Procurement Policies and Procedures
State construction contracts shall be awarded in accordance with the South Carolina Consolidated Procurement Code, Section 11-35-3010, Section 11-35-3020, and Sections 11-35-3030 through 11-35-3040 and Regulation 19-445.2145. Also, the State definitions are used as a guideline to accurately disclose permanent improvements in the budgetary projections and expenditures for both internal and external reporting purposes.The Chief Business Officer is responsible for assuring compliance of all construction procurement methods utilizing the guidelines as stated herein.
Four Types of Construction Procurements
- Construction – This can be a single or multi-purpose construction contract. Bid documents shall be prepared by the agency or its professional agent. Bids shall be received and awarded per Section 11-35-3020(2) of the Code.
- Basic Equipment (Fixed) – This is any equipment that becomes a fixed part of the building. The equipment may be that which could have been included in the contract, or it may be equipment either agency furnished, contractor installed, or agency furnished, agency installed. Fixed equipment includes, but is not limited to, manufactured equipment such as boilers, chillers, pumps, switch gear, windows, cabinet work, laboratory furniture, and kitchen equipment. This also includes site improvements such as water, sewer, storm drainage lines, pavement, sidewalks, landscaping and lighting. Bid documents should be prepared by the agency or its professional agent. Bids shall be received and awarded by the agency per Section 11-35-3020(2) of the Code. Except, basic equipment (fixed) that is specifically identified as information technology procurements, then the information technology procurement manager must make those procurements per Section 11-35-1580 of the Code.
- Basic Equipment (Moveable) – This is any equipment that does not become a permanent part of the building but is included in the construction contract. The equipment should have a useful life of five years or more and a minimum dollar limit as established by the agency per appropriate guidelines. Moveable equipment includes such items as office furniture, office equipment, rugs, drapes, hospital bedroom furniture, and classroom furniture. Bid documents should be prepared by the agency or its professional agent. If the estimated cost of the bid package is more than the amount of certification limits assigned the agency for goods and services, then bids will be received by the Materials Management Office in cooperation with the agency. The agency may review all bids and make recommendations of award. The Materials Management Office will make the award. Except, basic equipment (moveable) that is specifically identified as information technology procurements, then the information technology procurement manager must make the procurement per Section 11-35-1580 of the Code.
- Construction Material for In-house Construction – This is standard stock building materials or manufactured items such as brick, lumber, metal studs, gypsum board, stock electrical items, pipe, pipe fittings and valves. Following project approval by the state engineer, requisitions are forwarded to Procurement Services for processing in compliance with the Code. Bids are received and awarded per Section 11-35-3020(2) of the Code.