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TPR Process Details within DigitalMeasures

A detailed summary of sections comprising the TPR workflow within DigitalMeasures can be found in a resource guide entitled DigitalMeasures-TPR (eTPR) SECTIONS Overview).

The sections are identical to Clemson's previously utilized eTPR system with some added clarity for the External Evaluators section and a slight rearrangement of order to be more intuitive. There are some changes related to internal forms involving employment and an upcoming section on joint appointments that will roll out in stages.  Changes from eTPR to DigitalMeasures-TPRworkflow sections were minimized specifically to essential details in order to preserve the TPR process.

Entering Productivity Information through DigitalMeasures

Last academic year material originally stored in FAS has been migrated to DigitalMeasures, so faculty have the option to log into their DigitalMeasures account here to verify the information and add additional content.

To help with the process, the DigitalMeasures implementation team has produced some information videos of DigitalMeasures system navigation. It is recommended that department chairs watch both videos as each has original content relevant to using DigitalMeasures Check out those videos and additional resources/handouts here:


February 2020 Town Hall Meetings

Presentation Materials

Hand-out - Digital Measures Sections at a Glance

Livestream Recording