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Faculty Senate

Systems Engineering Graduate Curriculum Committee

Last Updated:   9/14/2021

Established by the Committee on Committees, September 2021

For membership lists and updates, please contact Matt Fields


Systems Engineers manage complex projects that often require coordination of expertise from multiple technical areas. Graduate programs and coursework in Systems Engineering are designed to provide engineers and scientists coming from different technical backgrounds with the fundamental understanding of best practices and tools used to design, study and validate complex systems.

The committee will include the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies from the College of Engineering, Computing, and Applied Sciences (or another faculty member appointed by the CECAS Dean) as a non-voting member and a staff member appointed by the CECAS Dean. At most two regular faculty members per graduate program-offering academic unit will be nominated by the chairs of those departments participating in the Systems Engineering program curriculum and appointed by the CECAS Dean. The committee will set standards and approvals for admission and degree program curriculum matters while working with the College curriculum committee.

Membership Composition

Chair is elected from the faculty committee members by the voting faculty committee members.

Seat Type Quantity Term Length Date of Term Initiation Seat Filling Mechanism Voting or Non-Voting
CECAS regular faculty 4 or more, at most two per department 2 years 8/15 Appointed by CECAS Dean; nominated by department chairs Voting
CECAS Associate Dean for Graduate Studies or other CECAS Dean's Appointee 1 NA NA Appointed by CECAS Dean Non-Voting
CECAS Curriculum Committee, staff 1 NA NA Appointed by CECAS Dean Non-Voting

Please contact Curriculog administration, Matt Fields,, for membership information and updates.

Please contact the Faculty Senate Office with any questions about updating this page.