
Advertising in a newspaper, magazine, radio or TV is exempt from procurement limit requirements.  Many times advertising in these entities will require the signing of a contract, which if >$2,500 MUST be signed by the University Procurement Director, even if exempt from the procurement code.

If you are advertising on the internet, billboards, or any other form of media, the exemption DOES NOT apply.  You must follow the appropriate procedures for obtaining bids or justifying a sole source.  Normally, a sole source is the most likely method for entering into these contracts.  Be sure your sole source justification clearly explains why that specific website, billboard location, etc... is the ONLY location for you to advertise to meet your goal for the advertisement.

Ordering and Additional Information below:

To contract for advertising, you will want to enter a requisition in buyWays, either choosing the appropriate exemption (if applicable) or using the sole source form.  If it is something that is not a sole source and exemption does not apply, enter a requisition and Procurement Services will guide you through the bidding process.

Helpful Links:

  • Decision Tree — flowchart designed to help you choose which purchasing method should be used.
  • Disbursement Grid — grid used as an aid to assess availability of the type of University funds prior to making commitments.
  • Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
  • Exemption List — may be applicable to your purchase
    • 19. Advertisement for positions, goods and services in newspaper, magazine or other publication, and advertising time or space on radio or television.