Temporary Staffing

The State maintains a great contract of Temporary Employment / Staffing Firm options. Staffing firms are added to this list constantly and vary based on county. Please review the latest list of staffing firms for this contract on the State Procurement site.

When a temporary staffing need arises, it is best to identify potential staffing firms in the contract first and then try to utilize ones that are already registered with Clemson (i.e. they are listed in buyWays).  There are many certified, minority and small businesses on this contract and it is good to always try to use those companies if they can meet your needs.

Be sure to discuss with the staffing firms any specific background or drug screening tests you may require. The staffing firms under the contract provide some basic screening but may have additional charges to meet your needs for these screenings.

You MUST utilize only firms awarded this State contract for this service. Other suppliers can be added to this contract at any time, so if you don't see one listed, you should ask that supplier to work with the State Procurement Office (all contact info listed on the contract above) to get added to the contract. 

Ordering and Additional Information below:

It is also preferred that you issue a PO to the staffing firm for the amount of money you plan to spend. This will expedite payment when time comes and will ensure all Terms and Conditions are applied to the hiring.

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