Train Tickets

Train Tickets, along with airline tickets and associated baggage fees (if paid at time of ordering the ticket) are allowed to be purchased using the PCard. This is true whether purchasing tickets for employee or student travel.

Employees may also chose to purchase train tickets personally and be reimbursed through the travel reimbursement process AFTER the trip is complete.

Train tickets as defined here are for use on Amtrak or similar foreign type train service.  They do not include subways and other local mass transit systems. Fares for those services must be handled through the travel reimbursement (for employee travel) or with a PCard is available for student group travel.  See appropriate travel policies.

If utilizing a travel agent or travel agent-type service (Orbitz, Travelocity, etc...), procurement rules and limits will apply to the purchase (i.e. if cost is going to be >$2500 get other price references, or of >$10K, it will need to be bid out).

Ordering and Additional Information below:

Use a Clemson University PCard or your personal credit card.

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