The Advancement Board for Real Estate Development (ABRED) promotes the advancement of the real estate development profession and related fields through the earnest support of the Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) program by providing committed financial, intellectual and professional resources to maximize the educational experience for the MRED students.
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The Advancement Board for Real Estate Development (ABRED) promotes the advancement of the real estate development industry and related fields through the earnest support of the Master of Real Estate Development (MRED) Program by providing committed financial, intellectual, and professional resources to maximize the impact of the educational experience for the students.
Benefits of Serving
- Opportunity to network with real estate industry leaders, not only with board members themselves but also their professional networks
- Opportunity to interface with the Dean of The Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business and the Dean of the College of Architecture, Art and Construction
- Priority access to MRED students for internship and permanent employee opportunities
- Access to the Clemson Real Estate Alumni Association network that includes Clemson alumni who are real estate professionals
- Opportunity to mentor MRED students through classroom speaking and informal engagements
- Invitations to the MRED events such as lecture series, networking events, etc.
- Recognition in MRED publications and websites
- Opportunity to give back and support Clemson University and the real estate profession as we work to enhance its reputation and professionalism
Responsibilities of each Board Member
- Attend board meetings and important related meetings (two board meetings a year)
- Volunteer for committee assignments and make a serious commitment to participate actively in assigned committee work
- Willingly and promptly respond to personal inquiries by MRED Faculty
- Provide access to your professional network to students, faculty, and alumni by opening doors and creating opportunities to interface with other industry professionals
- If asked by Program Directors or the Dean, provide feedback on curriculum, programs and a research agenda that will help build our reputation as one of the top MRED programs in the country
- Participate as guest lecturers, field trip contacts or mentors for on-campus as well as off-campus experiences
- Volunteer or provide leads for the speaker series, bull sessions and guest lecturers in our classrooms, practicum and ideas for other sponsored events promoting research and public service efforts
- Provide leads for research ideas and grant opportunities for the program to expand its outreach to the real estate professional community
- In addition to Board members contributing valuable time, experience, services and skills, members support CAF, MRED, and the Advancement Board for Real Estate Development (ABRED) financially as they are motivated and able.
Executive Committee Members
Kyle Evans, Chair
Kate Oliveira, Vice Chair
Laura Haselden Stoner, Treasurer
Seth Peterson, Alumni Relations
Brockton Hall, Board Advancement
Derek Lisle, Corporate Connections
Mills Armstrong, Intellectual Capital
Emily Bridges, Past Chair
Amy Vogelgesang, Development
Dr. Dustin Read, MRED Program Director