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Pre-Med and Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis

Pre-Med Advisor (Philosophy): Quinn H. Gibson
CAH Pre-Med Advisor (Pre-Professional Health Studies): Harolynn Williams


Why consider Philosophy for Pre-Med?

Philosophy is a very good choice as a pre-med or pre-professional health major for students who are interested in the topic and plan on a career in the health professions. In recent years Philosophy majors have had the highest and second highest rates of acceptance of any major to medical school, according to the Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR) book, and their rate is well above that of Biology majors! Moreover though the MCAT doesn't separate out data on scores by individual majors, Philosophy majors score at or near the top of other graduate school exams, and humanities majors statistically outperform biosciences majors on the MCAT exam, so there is good reason to think that philosophers are top performers on the MCAT. In addition, in 2015 the MCAT added a "Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills" section that philosophy is ideal preparation for.

If you find this relation between philosophy and medicine surprising, consider this: a successful Philosophy major is thoroughly trained in a variety of useful skills, including critical thinking, ethical reasoning, intellectual history and both oral and written communication. In short, they tend to be well-rounded, well-educated students. This is certainly part of the reason that Philosophy majors do so well in medical school.

Finally, to quote the most recent edition of the Medical School Admission Requirements, published by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), "For most physicians...the undergraduate years are the last available opportunity to pursue in depth a non-science subject of interest, and all who hope to practice medicine should bear this in mind when selecting an undergraduate major." Philosophy is recommended as just such a non-science subject.

Pre-Med/Pre-Professional Health Curriculum

Pursuing pre-med studies with a standard Philosophy major is possible with some careful planning. Interested students are strongly advised to discuss their planned coursework with their advisors as early in their academic careers as possible.

Here is a list of the courses Philosophy pre-meds should typically plan on taking:

1. Biology 1100 and 1110 or Biology 1030 and 1040
2. Chemistry 1010 and 1020 plus labs
3. English 1010 and 1020
4. Math requirement as determined in consultation with pre-med advisor
5. Physics 2070 and 2080 or Physics with calculus 1220 and 1221 plus labs
6. Chemistry 2230 and 2240 plus labs (Organic Chemistry)
7. Eleven courses to complete the Philosophy major (Biomedical Ethics, Science and Values, and Technologies of the Body are among the recommended courses)
8. General Education and College of Arts, Architecture and Humanities (School of Humanities) core requirements

Note that the advanced area requirement for the Philosophy major can be met by taking upper-level courses in Biology, Chemistry, or other Pre-Med related disciplines: this is one way that the major program fits well with a Pre-Med or Pre-Professional Health curriculum.

Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis Area

In order to simply and further encourage students who are interested in philosophy and health care to choose Philosophy as a pre-med or pre-professional health major, Philosophy majors at Clemson are now able to pursue a special emphasis area in Medicine, Health, and Human Values, specially designed to allow them room to satisfy medical school admissions requirements and to take courses that are valuable for continued study in other pre-professional health career tracks. 

The Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis Area of the Philosophy major consists of the standard Philosophy curriculum with the following special requirements:

  • PHIL 3460 - Biomedical Ethics is required of Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis Area students.
  • Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis Area students are required to satisfy a three-credit Ethics/Social-Political Theory distribution requirement instead of the Value Theory distribution requirement in the standard Philosophy major.
  • Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis Area students are required to select nine credits outside of philosophy from a list of courses related to Medicine, Health, and Human Values.


Medicine, Health, and Human Values Emphasis Area Major Requirements

Philosophy majors (including those on the MHHV track) must meet the requirements of the School of Humanities, South Carolina Reach Act requirements, complete HIST 1720 and HIST 1730, and take 12 hours of 3000-4000-level coursework in one of the following areas: humanities (other than philosophy), math, science, social science. In addition, the MHHV emphasis area requirements are as follows:

  • PHIL 1000 - Introduction to the Philosophy Major 
  • PHIL 3150 - Ancient Philosophy or PHIL 3160 - Modern Philosophy 
  • One course selected from CHIN 3120, CHIN 3130, CHIN 4140, PHIL 3050, PHIL 3120, PHIL 3130, PHIL 3150, PHIL 3160, PHIL 3170, PHIL 3180, or PHIL 4140 
  • PHIL 3460 - Biomedical Ethics 
  • One course selected from PHIL 3040 PHIL 3200 PHIL 3260 PHIL 3280 
  • One course selected from PHIL 3230, PHIL 3240, PHIL 3250, PHIL 3270, PHIL 3330, PHIL 3510, PHIL 3550, PHIL 3600, PHIL 3750, PHIL 3490, or WS 3490 
  • PHIL 4500 - Senior Seminar 
  • Six additional credits from any PHIL course
  • Nine additional credits selected in consultation with the student’s advisor from ARCH 4850, BIOE 2010, BIOL 1030, BIOL 1040, BIOL 1100, BIOL 1110, BIOL 2010, BIOL 2220, CH 1010, CH 1020, CH 1050, HLTH 2020, HIST 4240, MICR 4000, MICR 4050, NURS 3100, NURS 3180, PRTM 2600, PSYC 2010, SOC 2010, SOC 2020, SOC 3940, and SOC 4800 

For more information on School of Humanities, REACH Act, or general education requirements, students should consult the Clemson University Catalog for their catalog year.

Tulsi Patel, Philosophy: Medicine, Health, and Human Values ‘27

tulsi patel eureka program

tulsi patel eurek program

Tulsi entered Clemson in Fall 2023 as one of nine National Scholars. Intending to prepare for medical school, Tulsi started as a Biology major but found that she wanted more courses with critical reading and discussion than she was getting in a completely STEM-focused major. She was also interested in critical discussion of policy issues at the undergraduate level, like the definition of death and end of life care. “I want to study both the clinical and humanistic aspects of medical care” she observes. She moved into the new Medicine, Health and Human Values track in Philosophy because the course of study offers her the opportunity to be part of a rigorous and engaging program in the humanities as well as core science courses as part of her pre-professional health curriculum. She is happy to report that she felt at home in the Philosophy program right away, though she hadn’t had prior coursework in Philosophy. “There is a very welcoming environment, and the faculty are very accessible and eager to provide mentoring.” Tulsi also is a research member of the Philosophy Program’s Ethics Bowl public policy debate team, an activity that provides a great opportunity to engage with ethics and public policy. She's pictured here on a Clemson study abroad trip in summer 2024 and conducing research on campus as a lab research intern with the EUREKA program.

What do medical schools have to say about the best pre-med major?

According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), students "should select a major area of study that is of interest and will provide a foundation of knowledge necessary for the pursuit of several career choices." Med schools really don't care what your major is and there is no recommended pre-med major, despite what students often think. However, a major that genuinely interests you means you are more likely to make good grades, which medical schools do pay a lot of attention to.

Medical and dental schools require a year each of English, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry. However, this does not mean you must pick a scientific major. In fact, as the AAMC goes on to state: "It should be strongly emphasized that a science major is not a prerequisite for medical school, and students should not major in science simply because they believe this will increase their chances for acceptance...." What the AAMC recommends is a broad academic background that includes courses in the natural sciences, the social sciences, and the humanities. If you can show that you can handle the hard sciences, but also know how to think and reflect about other things, this makes you a more interesting candidate. Moreover, a recent survey of health care organizations indicated that one thing they desire most in health care professionals is critical thinking skills, and philosophy is an ideal major for developing such skills.

Department of Philosophy and Religion
Department of Philosophy and Religion | 126D Hardin Hall, Clemson, SC 29634