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Funding Opportunities

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Clemson University offers to connect faculty and graduate students with multiple streams of research funding, including corporate sponsorships, foundations, and public and private grants. Click on one of the buttons below to explore funding options available.

Faculty and Staff Awards

For more information on applying, contact the office of the Associate Dean for Research

  • CAH Distinguished Professor Award

    The CAH Distinguished Professorship aims to provide a pathway for exceptional faculty to be recognized and rewarded following what is traditionally the last promotion in an academic career. The professorship includes a one-time 10% raise to the 9-month base salary and a research support fund of $10,000 per year that can be used for travel, equipment, and summer salary.

  • Faculty Research Development Program (FRDP)
    Criteria: Faculty award for travel, equipment, summer support and other expenses related to research activities. Also in collaboration with faculty co-investigators from outside CAH (Collaborative Research Grants).

    Award Amount: Research Proposals up to $5,000 for individual grants, and $20,000 for collaborative grants.
  • John B. & Thelma A. Gentry Award
    Criteria: Annual award for teaching excellence in the School of Humanities.

    Award Amount: Recently $4,000 (amount varies)
  • Lightsey Fellowship Program

    Criteria: Faculty Award for faculty engaged in exemplary, creative teaching and/or research activities.

    Award Amount: 2 awards at $4,500 each

  • Dean's Excellence in Research

    Criteria: Faculty award for past 3 years of achievements

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and plaque in the Dean's Office.

  • Dean's Excellence in Teaching

    Criteria: Excellence in teaching undergraduate and/or graduate level, most recent three years.

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and plaque in the Dean's Office.

  • Dean's Excellence in Service

    Criteria: Faculty award for outstanding service to the University, College, department, community, profession or discipline.

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and plaque in the Dean's Office.

  • Dean’s Outstanding Lecturer Award

    Criteria: The award is designed to recognize extraordinary performance and achievement by our non-tenure-track faculty. This is an award for teaching but intended to encompass other activities, such as research and/or service as appropriate. Demonstrated excellence in teaching in the College of Arts and Humanities is the primary consideration, with emphasis on the most recent three years. Teaching includes not only classroom and laboratory/studio instruction, but guidance of students in beyond-the-classroom activities, student mentoring, and development/introduction of new methods, courses, or materials.

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and name listing on the CAH Award for Outstanding Lecturer plaque in the Dean’s office. 

  • Dean's Staff Team Player
    Criteria: Staff Award in recognition of a team-building spirit.

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and plaque in the Dean's Office.
  • Dean's Research Fellowship

    The Dean’s Research Fellowship aims to provide financial support and freed time to complete a major research project which will make the recipient eligible for their next promotion. The term of the fellowship is limited to 1-3 years, depending on the research project. The fellowship includes 1 course release per academic year, 2 months of summer salary, and a research support fund of $5,000 per year.

  • Dean's Staff Outstanding Customer Service
    Criteria: Staff Award in recognition of outstanding customer service.

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and plaque in the Dean's Office.
  • Dean's Staff Innovation Award
    Criteria: Staff Award in recognition of devising a solution to a problem or coming up with a process that increases efficiency or improves a situation.

    Award Amount: $2,500.00 and plaque in the Dean's Office.
College of Arts and Humanities | Research and Faculty Affairs
College of Arts and Humanities | Research and Faculty Affairs | 101 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634