Astronomy and Astrophysics Overview
Astronomers at Clemson use telescopes, satellites and numerical models to observe, explore and understand the universe around us. From the cosmology of expansion to the formation of our solar system, the faculty seek to answer questions about the physical workings of planets, stars and galaxies. The collective expertise of the faculty spans a broad range.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy also operates a planetarium on the Clemson campus in Kinard Lab 112. Find out more about the planetarium.
To learn more about the research in astronomy and astrophysics being carried out in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Clemson, explore the links below.
Research Areas and Resources
Research Areas
- Marco Ajello: Astro-particle physics and cosmology.
- Sean Brittain: Planet formation, origins of solar systems.
- Jeffrey Fung: Disk dynamics, disk-planet interaction, planet formation, numerical methods.
- Dieter Hartmann: Gamma-ray astronomy.
- Mark Leising: Radioactivity, spectroscopy and supernovae.
- Brad Meyer: Nuclear astrophysics and nucleosynthesis, stellar evolution, stellar collapse, cosmology, interstellar dust.
- Jonathan Zrake: High-energy and multi-messenger astrophysics.

Get Involved: Weekly Seminar
4:30–5:30 p.m. Wednesdays, 114 Kinard Lab
Local Group: Astrophysics Seminar is a weekly seminar — AST 8750 — hosted by the astronomy and astrophysics group. A faculty member or graduate student gives a talk on a topic of interest or presents their current research. Afterward, there is an informal gathering at a local establishment in downtown Clemson. The talk is suitable for undergraduates majoring in physics and astronomy; everyone is invited to attend.
Learn About the Local GroupSoutheastern Association for Research in Astronomy
The Clemson Astrophysics Group is a member of the SARA — Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy — project. Together with researchers from other institutions, Clemson shares time on the SARA 0.9-meter telescope located at Kitt Peak, Arizona. Faculty and students at Clemson University conduct remote observing runs from the Kinard Laboratory of Physics. If you are interested in learning more about the SARA project, visit Other institutions involved in the association include: