Make a Financial Gift
The Department of Physics and Astronomy has a long history at Clemson University that can be traced back to physics courses that were taught to the first graduating class of 1896 in the old Mechanical College. Now part of the College of Science, the department holds the distinction of awarding the first physics doctoral degree in South Carolina in 1964.
We teach and do research in a broad range of sub-fields, including astrophysics, atomic physics, atmospheric physics, biophysics, condensed matter physics and foundational quantum mechanics.
Support Our Commitment
We hope you will support our commitment to all Tigers who pass through our doors. Please use the button below to make a financial gift to the department. Gifts may be designated for specific funds by choosing the desired designation on the giving page.
Opportunities for Giving
Giving funds may be designated for any of the below options by selecting the appropriate designation on the giving page.
Physics and Astronomy Enhancement Fund
Our highest priority is to build this foundation account to support excellence in the research, teaching and community engagement missions of the department. This is a discretionary fund to support a variety of activities including supporting student participation in conferences; recognizing excellence in our faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates; organizing events to celebrate accomplishments; and inviting renowned speakers to share their research at Clemson.
Dr. Jian He Memorial Endowment in Physics and Astronomy
This was established in memory of beloved faculty member Jian He, Ph.D., by his family and friends. We strive to honor his legacy in undergraduate research and engagement in perpetuity.
Dr. Philip B. Burt Memorial Fellowship Endowment
Established by a private donor and physics alumnus in memory of longtime faculty member Philip Burt, Ph.D. Burt was a theoretical physicist and on faculty for 35 years. This fund supports graduate students in several foci of physics.
Samantha Erin Cawthorne ’10 Memorial Scholarship Endowment
This was established in memory of an honors physics alumna who passed away soon after her graduation. Samantha was a special student who looked forward to a bright future. We steward her legacy through this undergraduate scholarship.
Professor Donald D. Clayton Memorial Fund
This fund is established in memory of Donald D. Clayton, who had a profound effect on Clemson University, the Department of Physics and Astronomy, and its Astrophysics program, after an already stellar career elsewhere. It provides Clemson graduate students studying astrophysics and meteoritics with support for their research in the form of stipends, and research and travel expenses.
The L.D. Huff Scholarship for Excellence in Physics and Astronomy
Lorenz Ditmar “L.D.” Huff started on faculty at Clemson College in 1931, and became department chair in 1945. His work was in quantum theory, hydrodynamics and atomic spectra. This fund in his memory provides scholarships for undergraduates.
The Herbert R. Isenburger Endowment for Physics in The College of Science
Herbert Isenburger studied early radiography, X-rays and gamma rays in the 1930s. This fund in his memory contributes at least 50% to scholarships, and some to academic enrichment.
A.L. Laskar Endowed Memorial Scholarship
This fund was established by the Laskar Family in memory of A. L. Laskar, Ph.D., who served at Clemson from 1968 until 1991. He was an expert on solid-state materials. This fund supports an undergraduate student.
Henry B. Odom III ’70 Scholarship Endowment for Physics and Astronomy
Established by a generous alumnus and his wife to support first generation undergraduates in Physics. After a long career and raising a beautiful family, they are proud to give to Clemson and the department.
Steiner Family Foundation Endowment for Physics and Astronomy
Alston Steiner was at Clemson for 32 years (1966–98). He worked in ESR research, taught hundreds of students, and helped instructors in the physical sciences. He was dedicated, generous and loyal to the department. This fund provides support to undergraduates through scholarships and other areas.
Henry E. and Barbara G. Vogel Scholarship Endowment
Henry Vogel came to Clemson originally in 1950, then returned after his Ph.D. in 1961. He eventually become department chair and then dean of arts and sciences, and later dean of the physical and mathematical sciences. Barbara Vogel was engaged in town and helped found Clemson Community Care.
Gift in Kind
A gift in kind gift is a non-monetary gift. These may include a company’s product or other business asset. Individuals may make in-kind gifts such as equipment, land, buildings and supplies that can be used by the University. All gifts received by the University that are not cash or cash equivalents are considered gifts in kind. Gifts in kind do not include cash gifts, gifts made by check or credit card, or items such as stocks and bonds that can readily be converted to cash. Clemson employees may also donate a gift in kind to the University and receive a gift acknowledgment. Find out more about gifts in kind. For more information about the gift in kind process and requirements, contact Julie Tovey, science development director, at 864-345-5962.
Other Gift Options
If you do not see your choice of fund listed here, contact Margaret Owens, executive director of development, at 864-276-7245 for more information.