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Business Operations

Assessment Team and Liaisons

A best practice in student affairs is to have a division-level assessment team or committee focused on leveraging the knowledge, experience, and resources of multiple departments to support a culture of evidence and continuous improvement. Assessment liaisons from each department comprise the Assessment Team.

The role of the Assessment Team is to:

  • coordinate a division strategy that considers departments’ needs to gather data with survey fatigue

  • connect what is occurring across departments that contributes to divisional and institutional goals

  • support in the execution, analysis, and sharing of findings with division/institution-wide projects

  • create a community of learners and assessment training opportunities to support staff

  • assist in the development and execution of a program review

In addition to serving on the Assessment Team, an Assessment Liaison is expected to:

  • share, promote, and model the philosophy of assessment and evaluation to create and sustain a culture of evidence and continuous improvement

  • communicate areas of opportunity to build staff competence and confidence in assessment and evaluation staff to the Assessment Team to inform resources and training

  • encourage wide-participation in opportunities to develop knowledge and skills

  • approach work through the lens of data governance and identify how best to onboard or train staff

  • maintain a catalogue of departmental data assets, access, and classifications

  • assist in developing a departmental assessment plan by cataloguing and monitoring the assessment projects and how they align with core functions, strategies, and metrics

  • track metrics through division dashboards and the Anthology (formerly Campus Labs) Planning Module

  • share resources, ideas, and best practices with Assessment Team to promote divisional development

  • work with supervisor to incorporate assessment responsibilities into performance evaluations

Assessment Liaisons

Table contains list of departments and their designated assessment liaisons. Email addresses are provided.

Assessment Liaisons
Department Assessment Liaison
Campus Recreation Chris Cox
Robert Taylor
Campus Reservations and Events Kristi Cox
Center for Student Leadership and Engagement Jaquetta Ross
Michelin Career Center Tracy Austin
Office of Advocacy and Success Makayla Stark
Office of Community and Ethical Standards Laura Clay
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Dr. Gary Wiser
Office of Student Success and Empowerment Batse’ Smart
Student Affairs Business Operations Dr. Kristin Walker-Donnelly, Chair
Student Health Services Hollie Summey
Student Affairs Business Operations
Student Affairs Business Operations | 1376 Tiger Blvd., Suite 104, Clemson, SC 29631