Endowed Chairs and Titled Professors allow Clemson to attract and support eminent scholars of international reputation who enhance the quality of the University’s teaching, research and service activities. They initiate, encourage and support development of ideas and innovations, and they are teachers, mentors and role models for their students and colleagues.

The Endowed Chairs and Titled Professors Group
The Endowed Chairs and Titled Professors group meets typically once a month during the regular semesters with members of the upper administration to discuss issues of interest to both, to provide a sounding board to the administrators, and to help them elevate the reputation of the University. The group strongly believes in excellence in scholarship, teaching and research.
Mission Statement
The Chaired and Titled Professors group is composed of faculty who are most notably accomplished in both research and teaching. The group was founded in the early 1990s for the specific purpose of advancing research and scholarship. The primary aim of the group is to deliberate about, question, and illuminate important issues and concerns related to the welfare of Clemson University. The members assume stewardship for the University’s mission in their actions and deliberations and, when called upon, act as an advisory group for administrative or other governing bodies at the University. This group represents a unique leadership entity toward continuous and sustained enhancement of Clemson’s mission to achieve the highest level of scholarly and pedagogical excellence.