Craig Bennett, PE

Lecturer, Master of Science in Historic Preservation
School of Architecture
M.S. in Civil Engineering, Georgia Tech (1981); Bachelor of Civil Engineering, Georgia Tech (1978); B.S. in Architecture, Georgia Tech (1978)
Craig Bennett is principal and owner of Bennett Preservation Engineering, a Charleston-based consulting firm that serves a national client list. Charleston clients include Drayton Hall, a National Historic Landmark property, and a range of private houses and civic buildings. He is currently engaged in an assessment and mitigation study of lighthouse along the North Carolina coast for the National Park Service and for whom he designed structural stabilization plans for Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout lighthouses.
Active in the Association for Preservation Technology’s leadership, Bennett lectures widely to academic and professional audiences on a range of topics among them historic mortars and techniques for rebedding, repointing, and stuccoing historic masonry.