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College of Architecture, Art and Construction

Bradford Watson, AIA

Bradford Watson, AIA

Director of the Clemson Architecture Center Charleston, Director of MRUD

School of Architecture
Office: 701 East Bay St., Suite 202, Charleston, SC 29403
Phone: 864-656-3898

MARCH, Cranbrook Academy of Art; BARCH, The Pennsylvania State University

Curriculum Vitae


Bradford Watson is the Director of the Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston, an Associate Professor, and a licensed architect in Montana and South Carolina. Bradford’s teaching and scholarship examine issues of extraction, both resource and experience, to design for a mutualistic inhabitation with the environment. He spent ten years as a professor in the School of Architecture at Montana State University. Prior to that he was a Project Director | Designer with Westlake Reed Leskosky (now DLR Group) working with non-profit organizations in the cultural and performing arts. Bradford holds a BARCH from Penn State and a MARCH from the Cranbrook Academy of Art.

College of Architecture, Art and Construction
College of Architecture, Art and Construction | Lee 2-118, Clemson, SC 29634